Saturday, February 06, 2021

The 30 Best Comedies of All Time

From Animal House to Dr. Strangelove, the best comedies ever released share a special spark that you just can't put into words.
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The Best Comedy Movies of All Time
A comedy classic is the best medicine of them all. That brings us to the best of the best. There are comedies coming out all the time—good ones that add to the canon, but to become a great, you have to have a few things. Part of it is a little bit of time, to make sure the laughs weren't just in the moment. The next is a die-hard fan base that will keep the story alive. And the third part is a little bit of movie magic that's impossible to describe. Dark comedies, slapstick, rom coms... the best of their genres all have it. Even if you're not the type to laugh out loud at comedies, the following films are sure to elicit some small giggle, or perhaps even one of those loud, surprising guffaws. Read More
Yes, the Perfect Winter Coat for Less Than $50 Exists. Here It Is.
Is there a lot to appreciate about warm-weather dressing? Absolutely. Give us a camp-collar shirt and a drink with a little umbrella in it and we're nothing if not content. But give us a gigantic swath of fabric and a few strategically placed buttons to shield us from the cold, and we're positively giddy. In this golden age of outerwear, you don't have to lay out all that cash if you don't want to. Instead, you could shell out just under $50 and find yourself possessed of a damn good balmacaan—a time-tested, raglan-sleeved topcoat that you can wear with everything from a hoodie and jeans to your sharpest suit—from Uniqlo. It's a poly/rayon/acrylic blend that's designed to feel soft, not scratchy, and still ably fend off the early-morning chill. And owing to the way Uniqlo has sized its generously cut offering—which is 50 percent off its original price of $99.90, which means it's final sale—you'll want to take a size smaller than normal. Read More
The Best Button-Down Shirts on the Market Right Now
If you, like most people, spent the last year hunkered down in nothing but sweats, the ever-versatile button-down shirt probably isn't exactly top of mind at the moment. It should be. Because now that we're well and truly into the dog days of winter (and you finally—finally!—feel ready to really start dressin'), you shouldn't be thinking about anything more than the essential button-down shirt. Chief among them? The oxford-cloth button-down, the flannel button-down, the denim button-down, the printed button-down, and finally, the trusty overshirt. Some combination of this motley crew will always make for an all-star lineup in your regular rotation, and together (not to wantonly mix metaphors here) they represent the load-bearing beams of winter style around which you should carefully build your fits. Try pairing a beefy flannel with slouchy denim and a some thoroughly scuffed slip-ons a la Brad Pritt. Or, hell, a striped OCBD with sweatpants, thick camp socks, retro sneakers, and a beanie up top for good measure. As long as you're trying, and thinking a little outside of the box, you really can't go wrong. Read More
16 Beanies to Buy Now and Ride Out the Rest of Your Winters In
It's cold out there. Which means your noggin will be, too. And there still exists no better way to solve this problem than the humble beanie. Not only is it functionally the right fit, but the beanie's power extends well beyond the dead of winter. We're not talking about that guy in L.A. you know who wears it in...well, you know how warm it is there. We're talking about an accessory that can be justified in (almost) any setting—including but not limited to those early morning Zooms that take place before you've had a chance to shower. Here, we've compiled the best beanies out there right now, including tried and true classics and those tested in the worst of elements—all sharp enough to wear beyond their intended purpose. Read More
The Best Watches for Under $100 You Can Score on Amazon
You don't need to be a hotshot scion of inherited wealth—or, hell, an overnight GameStop millionaire—to scoop the watch of your dreams. Because thanks to Amazon's hefty selection of affordable timepieces, you can now snag some of the best watches around for well under a hundred bucks, or about a tenth of what the newest iPhone will cost you at retail. The choice is an easy one, really. Sure, Amazon might not be the first name that comes to mind when you think of top-of-the-line timepieces, but The Everything Store's horology game is no laughing matter. I'm talking an enviable selection of styles from big names like Timex and Seiko, plus an excellent supply of harder to find brands, too. Scroll through below to see all the styles worth ditching your phone for, and then make moves—fast. Read More
55 Valentine's Gifts She Won't Return for Store Credit
You want to get your wife something nice. Easier said than done, right? Her style is too good, and her interests too complex, for you to even begin to narrow down the overwhelming options. But when you are completely bereft of ideas, there's absolutely no shame in asking for a suggestion. And that's what we're here for: to lead you in the right direction so you choose the best possible present to give the most important woman in your life. Read on for the greatest gifts for your wife, from high-fashion picks that'll seriously impress her, to home décor she'd never splurge on herself, to tech she'll use every single day. You'll knock it out of the park—a top candidate for all-time best husband of the century. Read More
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