Thursday, February 18, 2021

Ted Cruz—Yikes

It does us no good to chalk everything up to Partisan Bickering when only one side is engaging with reality.
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Ted Cruz's One Night in Paradise Is Not the Only Texas Republican Failure in Need of Discussion
You might think that, considering his spouse is a managing director at Goldman Sachs, Ted Cruz would fly private if he were attempting to flee for the balmy climes of Cancun while his home state of Texas—the one he has theoretically devoted himself to serving in public office—sinks into turmoil. That might be the best defense the senator has at the moment, considering neither he nor his staff have come out to deny that he jumped on a United Airlines flight to Mexico on Wednesday while millions of Texans were preparing to try to survive the night. So it's almost beyond belief that Cruz would take a commercial flight, in full view of hundreds of other travelers, under these circumstances. It would be so shameless as to reinforce the notion that shame no longer functions in our society at all. Imagine that. And yet that's what he did. Esquire Politics Editor Jack Holmes delves into why the conversation around Cruz goes beyond partisan bickering. Read More
The 16 Essential T-Shirt Brands Every Man Should Know
We're living through historic times for the T-shirt. The basic tee, once imbued so indelibly with ties to the counter-culture courtesy of associations with on-screen badasses like Brando and Dean, is now so innocuous it's downright mainstream. These days, you could even say the T-shirt has become the de facto building block of the everyday outfit, long since replacing stuffier counterparts like the collared shirt, let alone (*checks notes*) the suit. All of which means there have never been more options to choose from. And while we're ever-thankful for the variety, it can sure get a little overwhelming. Luckily for you, we sifted through the nearly endless supply of T-shirts available now to track down the 16 brands responsible for our favorites, with the recommendation that if you happen to find a style you dig, you stock up on it—and fast. Read More
The Secret Recordings That Rocked a Small City—and Its Police Force
In 2011, four years after he'd joined the Mount Vernon Police Department, Murashea Bovell was assigned to the narcotics unit, a specialized team of the detective division comprising six to eight officers at any given time. They prowled the streets on the south side of the city in unmarked police cars, scanning for dealers and users. They wore plain clothes and conducted undercover drug buys. And they often relied on residents who, facing charges, would trade information for the hope of leniency. At first, Bovell, then thirty-two, was eager. He especially liked the intricate work of gathering evidence for search warrants. But in just two years, he would request a transfer back to patrol because of what he'd experienced. Here, WNYC's George Joseph reports on that experience, and how that police unit reigned with impunity—protecting drug dealers, planting evidence, brutalizing citizens—until Bovell started covertly documenting the abuse. Read More
The Right Product for Every Type of Hair
From serums to salt sprays and everything in between, we've compiled a comprehensive list of all the things you might need to emerge from your home with better hair than ever. You might even end up scoffing at the version of yourself that sweated making it to the barber with regularity in the first place. Be the change you want to see in the world, right? If Gandhi wasn't bald as all hell we've no doubt he'd have our back here. Read More
For Members Only: The Greatest Magazine Profile Ever Published
Numerous media outlets (not just Esquire) consider "Frank Sinatra Has a Cold" to be the best celebrity profile ever published in a magazine. Gay Talese's in-depth story about Sinatra at the height of his powers in the 1960s sparked a journalism revolution. It's also a highly entertaining and informative snapshot of a titan of the 20th century. "Frank Sinatra Has a Cold" is available to Esquire Select members only. Read it (or save it for later) here. Read More
11 Stylish Whiskey Glasses for Your Top-Shelf Pours
You could get incredibly snobbish about glassware if you so chose. You could buy a snifter to accentuate the nose of a single malt, a smaller tumbler for two fingers of rye with an ice cube, and a double old-fashioned glass for your bourbon Old Fashioneds. You could get the finest crystal for drinking The Good Shit, and then beater glasses for when your asshole friends come over with a bottle off the bottom shelf. There's not much else going on, and everyone needs a hobby, so being a snob about your glassware could be yours! But we're of the camp that believes if a glass looks cool, the whiskey (or rum, or brandy, or cocktail) will taste exactly right. For us, it's more of a décor choice than a scientific choice. We want something that looks nice on the bar cart, looks even better with a couple ounces of whiskey inside it, and with a bit of a story behind it. Simple as that. To help you picture it, here are 11 whiskey glass sets we like quite a lot to round out your home bar setup. Read More
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