Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The 40 Best-Dressed Men on the Planet

These famous folks will define the next decade of drip. Here's what you can learn from them.
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Esquire's 2021 Kings of Style: The 40 Best-Dressed Guys on the Planet Right Now
The way we dress now is changing. Old codes are out the window, new ones are still being written, and all around, it's clear that there's no one way to do things anymore. That's great news! It means we're free to forge our own paths, and maybe even get a little freaky with it. But it's also, perhaps, a little overwhelming. So, when things are in flux and the answers aren't easy to come by, what's a guy to do? First things first, take a look at the folks on this list, a compendium of the best-dressed celebrities on the planet right now. Here, you'll find everything from new-bohemian badassery and statement-making, capital-"F" fashion to easygoing, everyday outfits that even the most low-key dresser can appreciate. Take a page from any of these guys' style handbooks—or, hell, take one from each of 'em—and you'll be in good shape. Here's to a very well-dressed 2021. Read More
Yes, Recliners Can Be Cool. Specifically, These Recliners.
Recliners have become more stylish over the past two decades or so, resembling, well, cool furniture. Choosing one is no longer a sacrifice of style. If you are already a member of the recliner tribe, perhaps it's time for a bit of an upgrade that makes a big statement. And if you are recliner-curious, here are some that you can proudly put in your living room that will have everyone asking: That's a recliner? Read More
So What Are We Going to Do About These Bullsh*tters Spreading Bullsh*t?
It takes a considerable shame deficit to keep pushing The Big Lie even after it fueled a violent insurrection at the nation's Capitol, but that's what you get when you host a conservative luminary on television these days. If someone who calls themselves a conservative doesn't like what went down with the whole Trump thing, the polls indicate they have no constituency and no influence within the Republican Party. If you book a Trump booster, they are necessarily going to have to lie and obfuscate and operate in extreme bad faith. How else are they going to make their points? On Monday night, Republican operative Matt Schlapp appeared on Chris Cumo's CNN show where he pushed the Big Lie. As Esquire Politics Editor Jack Holmes writes, it made for good TV, but it wasn't exactly informative. Read More
We're in the Middle of a Ginaissance. Here Are the Tastiest Gins Right Now.
Gin is mother's ruin no more. There are excellent bottles to be found in all corners of the world, from India to Ireland to Japan. And you can find interesting gin in nearly every state in our union, with many distilleries trying out different herbs and botanicals or using a variety of barrel types to age the spirit. Here are some of the best gin brands available now, from traditional London dry to brand-new innovations, to sip neat or stir into your martinis. Read More
Inside the Twisted, Worldwide Hunt for a $7 Million Stolen Car
Exclusive to Select Members: Joe Ford, car detective, searches the world for stolen rare automobiles on the black market. The case he's on now could set him up for life—if he's not outsmarted by a skilled network of criminals and cheats. Esquire takes you inside a world you never knew existed, with characters you won't believe are real people (we assure you, they are). Read More
The Best Underwear to Keep You Comfortable All Day Long
Underwear might be the most important damn thing you put on when you get dressed every day. Forget that "bottom-up or top-down" debate—build your fits from the briefs out. So it goes without saying that finding the right pair is of paramount importance. Here are all the right pairs, according to Esquire's Style Desk. Read More
It was supposed to be a family road trip to visit an aging relative. Then the car got stuck in a muddy rut and, well—these things never turn out well, do they? Stephen King, the legendary architect of your worst nightmares, delivers another shocking story you won't soon forget.
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