Friday, May 31, 2019

Did Ted Cruz Just Do Something Good? Are We Best Friends Now?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ted Cruz just agreed on a deal that might actually root out some D.C. corruption.
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AOC and Ted Cruz Just Agreed on a Deal That Might Actually Root Out Some D.C. Corruption
We may have described Ted Cruz as "an oleaginous viper" in the past, but it appears the Texas senator is on the verge of doing something good with an unlikely ally. It kicked off when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez launched a discussion of what's commonly known as the Revolving Door: a member of Congress serves for a few years, then exits and heads for a lobbying job on K Street. Cruz agreed with her take on the matter. And the end result might actually be some swamp drainage—until, that is, Mitch McConnell gets his hands on it. Read More
Netflix's 'When They See Us' Tells the Story of the Central Park Five. Here's a Timeline of the Tragic Events.
In the late 1980s, a brutal crime shook New York City. Trisha Meili, a white banker who would become known in the press as the Central Park Jogger, was raped and beaten almost to death during an evening run in the city's most beloved park. Five black and Latino teenagers, boys aged 14 to 16, were convicted of the horrifying assault, and would serve between six and 13 years in prison for the crime before the real perpetrator was found. The case is the basis for Ava DuVernay's upcoming Netflix miniseries, When They See Us, which debuts May 31st. Here's a timeline of the decades-long saga. Read More
The 10 Best Rum Brands to Drink Now
This is actually a really good time to be a rum drinker, with high-quality brands available from both large and small distilleries for sipping neat or mixing into a cocktail. Here are 10 of the best rum brands, in all styles, to drink this summer. Read More
Escape the Heat With the Best Books of Summer 2019
There's no better reading season than summer. Whether you're lounging by the shore or parked in front of the air conditioner, these long, hot days are the ideal time to get lost in an engrossing read. From page-turner fiction to zeitgeisty nonfiction, newcomers to household names, here are the books we're loving this summer. Read More
Robert Pattinson Is the New Batman We Deserve
It appears the Battinson is taking flight. After rumors of Robert Pattinson donning the cowl in the upcoming Matt Reeves' Batman film, several Hollywood trade publications are now saying Warner Bros. has sealed the deal. The pasty heartthrob beat out other rumored contenders, including Nicholas Hoult. Read More
Nalgene's 70th Anniversary Water Bottles Are Seriously Cool
The first Nalgene water bottle was created in 1949, and by the '70s, it was hydrating Boy Scouts and rugged outdoorspeople. Back then, its logo featured a mountain lion, which is unarguably the best big cat. Now, that mountain lion is back on these two limited-edition releases, paired with orange and forest green colorways that scream old-school. Read More
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