Friday, May 03, 2019

The Democrats Must Now Move to Impeach

Nancy Pelosi and her caucus are running out of options. The time to defend the republic is here and now.
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There Are No Sure Things in a Crisis of This Level. But Democrats Must Move to Impeach.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi held an all-hands meeting of her caucus on Thursday to say that the president* is behaving in exactly the way Nixon behaved that brought articles of impeachment down on his sinful head. Then she tells the country, fck it. Those soulless robots in the Senate won't convict him anyway. The problem is that she and her Democratic majority in the House, the place where the Founders lodged the impeachment power, are running out of options. Read More
What We Know About Ted Bundy's Girlfriend Elizabeth Kendall And Where She Is Today
Ted Bundy brutally murdered dozens of women across the country in the late 1970s. Around the time he began his killing spree, he started dating a young secretary named Elizabeth. But it wasn't until years later when she recognized her boyfriend in a police sketch that Elizabeth first realized he might be connected to a string of unsolved kidnappings and murders. Her story inspired the movie Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, which premieres today on Netflix. Here's what we know about the real Elizabeth—and where she is today. Read More
The President Is Calling for Unity While Rudy Giuliani Is Shouting About Investigating Joe Biden
Because Donald Trump's entire political identity was founded around displays of performative cruelty and pitting people against each other, the traditional Presidential Behavior of consensus-building is beyond him. So it was particularly tickling to see the Presidential Tweet Machine Feed light up last night with a stirring call for bipartisan cooperation now that Our Long National Nightmare Is Over. (It's not.) And at essentially the same time Trump is calling for an end to investigations, his lawyer is publicly calling to investigate Joe Biden. Read More
Was Game of Thrones Battle of Winterfell Really Just a Distraction?
We'd been hearing about the big Battle of Winterfell in the third episode of Game of Thrones Season Eight for months before it finally aired on Sunday. Fifty five (55!) night shoots! Grueling conditions! It was promised to be the TV event of our lifetime. And, yes, "The Long Night" was a huge episode of television (if you could actually see what the hell was going on). Then, appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live this week, Emilia Clarke said that Episode Five is going to be even bigger than Episode Three. Read More
These Timex + Todd Snyder Watches Just Got an Even Deeper Discount
Timex and Todd Snyder make a mean batch of watches. If you haven't noticed, we love them. But who can blame us! The watches are stylish, functional, easy to wear, and legitimately well-priced. You just can't beat that—or so we thought. This weekend, the watches already living in Todd Snyder's spring sale section are getting an extra 20 percent off. Here's a look at the selection. Read More
The Internet Successfully Bullied the Sonic Movie Director Into Changing That Creepy Blue Hedgehog
Nietzsche once said, "if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee." Now, we finally know that he may have been predicting the Sonic the Hedgehog movie. On Tuesday, the first trailer for the embattled "live-action" video game adaptation dropped to the horror of fans of the franchise. The design of the titular Blue Blur, to fans, seemed too unnecessarily lifelike, off-brand for the stylistically-cartoonish franchise, even featuring, if you can fathom it, human teeth. Well, you screamed into the abyss, and the abyss spoke back to you. Read More
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