Monday, May 13, 2019

‘Game of Thrones’ Has Become a Cynical Mess

George R.R. Martin needs to finish those books so fans can read how this story deserves to end.
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Game of Thrones Has Become a Cynical Clusterf*ck
Nearly 30 years ago George R.R. Martin wrote into existence a young refugee who was sold into a marriage by her evil older brother to be used as a bargaining tool for a great army and eventually a conquest. That was the beginning of Daenerys Targaryen's story. Since then she's freed slaves, liberated cities—she's proven time and again to have a good heart. That love is what helped her amass an army and become a beloved Queen across the Narrow Sea. Did he know then that she would go mad with grief and hatred near the end of her conquest and kill thousands of innocent people? Did he want to doom this young woman to the same madness and evil of her father? The truth is, we don't know. But the problem is, the way we got there made no logical sense. Read More
Trump Woke Up on Mother's Day And Decided to Tweet About Lou Dobbs and Spying
Donald Trump started off his Mother's Day with some heartfelt tweets about an espionage conspiracy and Fox News's Lou Dobbs. "Think of it. I became President of the United States in one of the most hard fought and consequential elections in the history of our great nation," the President began. "From long before I ever took office, I was under a sick & unlawful investigation concerning what has become known as the Russian Hoax." Read More
These Are the 35 Best Sneakers of the Year
We haven't even hit the midpoint yet, but 2019 is already shaping up to be a very good year for sneakers. From forward-thinking new styles to an influx of rereleases and retros that genuinely deserve the hype, there's a lot that's worthy of your attention. As expected, big players like Nike, Adidas, and Jordan are all delivering everything from updated classics shoes to on-point collaborations. But that's just part of the equation. New Balance still knows exactly how to make dad shoes feel cool, Greats still delivers on value and sophistication, and specialized brands like Salomon are making us rethink our priorities. While there's always some upcoming sneaker release on the horizon, sometimes it pays to look back on what's come before. Here are the best sneakers of the year so far. Read More
Game of Thrones Fans Almost Missed Varys' Sneaky Attempt to Poison Daenerys in Episode Five
Varys made it clear to Tyrion in Episode Four that he believed Jon Snow would make a better ruler than Daenerys Targaryen. The beginning of Episode Five found Varys at Dragonstone writing a letter naming Jon as the true heir to the Iron Throne and consulting with one of his "little birds," an adorable kitchen girl named Martha. But many fans missed the grave nature of their conversation. Read More
Lindsey Graham's Biggest Critic Is 1990s Lindsey Graham (We're Calling Him a Hypocrite)
Here's Lindsey Graham, a committee chairman in Congress, explicitly attempting to undermine the subpoena powers of Congress—a co-equal branch of government designated by the Constitution with oversight powers of the Executive Branch. That is to say, Lindsey Graham is defenestrating the Constitution to benefit Donald Trump, his new political benefactor, and help the big guy's family escape accountability for what they've done. Want proof the stakes reflect on the Constitution and the office of the presidency? Let's ask '90s Lindsey Graham what he thinks. Read More
Game of Thrones Fans Aren't Happy About What Daenerys Did in Episode Five
Game of Thrones hasn't been super invested in staying loyal to long established character arcs this season. Years of Jaime's slow redemption were dashed when he decided to return to King's Landing for Cersei, only for both of them to get randomly squished. But no character has had a quicker turnaround than Daenerys Targaryen, who went full-on Mad Queen this episode, burning King's Landing with her sole surviving dragon after the city had surrendered. Read More
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