Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Once Upon a Time...In Hollywood Is a Shakespearean Masterpiece

Esquire's Michael Hainey reviews the film from Cannes.
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Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon a Time...In Hollywood Is a Shakespearean Masterpiece
You should do all you can to walk into a viewing of Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood cold. Just like moviegoers did in, say, 1969, when the film is set. Because what Quentin Tarantino gives you here is his strongest, greatest, most-moving (!) film in years, and in many respects a film that shows him growing as a director and writer. Everything you love and want in a Tarantino film is here, from the jukebox score to the great clothes to the swagger and suspense. Read More
Steven Mnuchin Had the Smirk Wiped Off His Face While Talking Trump Tax Returns
Now that Democrats have control of the House of Representatives, they have asked Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin to hand over Donald Trump's tax returns. He refused, with the outlandish suggestion that the Ways and Means Committee lacks a "legislative purpose" for asking. So the committee subpoenaed them. Mnuchin defied the subpoena, even though a 1924 law expressly states that the Treasury Secretary "shall furnish" tax returns to Congress on request. This was confirmed by a confidential memo from the IRS—an agency under the purview of the Treasury Department—obtained by the Washington Post Tuesday. So it increasingly appears Mnuchin does not have a leg to stand on. So it was a handy time for him to appear before Congress on Wednesday. Read More
You Can Have Your Own Pair of Brad Pitt's Cool-as-Hell Cannes Sunglasses
Brad Pitt is an exceedingly cool guy. I mean, I don't know him or anything—though we can all get to know him a little better in Esquire's new interview with Pitt and his Once Upon a Time...In Hollywood buddies Quentin Tarantino and Leonardo DiCaptrio—but the guy exudes an aura of general coolness. And he doubled down on that vibe when he hit the red carpet at Cannes this Tuesday wearing a pair of extremely stylish sunglasses. Read More
See All the Photos from Our Once Upon a Time...In Hollywood Cover Story with Quentin, Brad, and Leo
What happens when you get three of the biggest dudes in Hollywood together, add a really cool car and a swanky house in Hollywood, and have an insightful conversation? You get Esquire's Summer 2019 issue and these stunning photographs by Alexi Lubomirski. (You know, the guy who shot the Royal Wedding). Click on through for a behind-the-scenes look at our roundtable conversation with the director and stars of Once Upon a Time...In Hollywood. Read More
The President* Has Done Too Many Things, and Too Many People Know About Them
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer is so deeply a part of the political establishment that he probably sleeps every night atop a pedestal in Statuary Hall. And, clearly, his resistance is crumbling into tiny flakes and blowing away on the fresh spring breezes. This president* is going to be impeached by the House of Representatives. It is now unavoidable. Read More
Grab These New Warby Parker Frames Before They Sell Out (Again)
Last year, Warby Parker teamed up with a slew of creative types on a series of exclusive frames as part the brand's Pupils Project initiative, which helps provide glasses to school kids who need them. One of those creative types was Chloë Sevigny, who helped design the Tate, a mixed-media frame that layers acetate over metal for a distinctive (and very stylish) look. The Tate was an instant hit, selling out in pretty much no time flat. And now, Warby and Sevigny are at it again. Read More
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