Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Quentin Tarantino, Brad Pitt, and Leonardo DiCaprio Take You Inside 'Once Upon a Time In...Hollywood'

Esquire sits down with the director and stars ahead of the highly anticipated film.
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Quentin Tarantino, Brad Pitt, and Leonardo DiCaprio Take You Inside Once Upon a Time In...Hollywood
As the director Quentin Tarantino unveils his highly anticipated ninth film, Esquire's Michael Hainey sits him down with his headlining stars for a provocative three-way Q&A about Hollywood past and present for Esquire's latest cover story. But what's Charles Manson and River Phoenix got to do with it? Read More
Game of Thrones Star John Bradley Fills in the Samwell Tarly Story You Didn't See in the Finale
John Bradley talks to Esquire's Matt Miller about filming the pivotal Dragonpit scene (including when his character basically invents democracy), where Drogon was flying, and the scenes in the Game of Thrones finale we didn't see. Read More
The Full Once Upon a Time in...Hollywood Trailer Is Here. And It Looks Incredible.
Hours before its anticipated debut at Cannes Film Festival, Quentin Tarantino has shared the new full-length trailer for Once Upon a Time in ... Hollywood. Back in March, Tarantino shared the first teaser of his long-anticipated ninth movie. But beyond that, details about Hollywood have remained scarce—until today, with the release of the trailer and our in-depth interview with the director and stars. Read More
Morehouse Grad De'Jaun Davis-Correia Opens Up About Having His Student Loans Paid Off
De'Jaun Davis-Correia worked two jobs through his time at Morehouse College. He logged hours at an Atlanta Best Buy and, his senior year, began working at an electrical engineering company. The physics major received additional help paying his tuition from donations. And yet, after his own earnings and the donations, Davis-Correia had what he estimates to be $55,000 in debt from student loans when he walked at graduation on Sunday. And then something miraculous happened. The debt vanished. Read More
14 Stylish, Summer-Friendly Outfits to Wear to Work
You're not about to catch us complaining about warmer weather. Summer, however, does pose its own complications, specifically when it comes to keeping your look sharp. Not to worry: Some of the most stylish globe-trotting celebrities have been tested with the same kind of challenge—and with the added bonus of paparazzi capturing those fits. That gives us documentation and inspiration for our own summer-friendly style. Here are 14 of the best outfits to wear to work this summer. Read More
Game of Thrones Is Over. One of These 10 Shows Could Be Your Next Binge.
The sexy and violent fantasy show you loved so much has finally come to an end. HBO's Game of Thrones was quite possibly the last massively successful TV series of our current age, which leaves die-hard fans wondering to themselves, "What am I going to watch next?" As we wait for the prequel series HBO has in store (because Game of Thrones will surely never really end), there are plenty of other TV series that feature what fans loved about Thrones: the drama, the sex, the battles, the magic, the royal intrigue. Let these ten shows fill the Westeros-sized void the series leaves behind. Read More
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