Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Jon Snow Must Die in the 'Game of Thrones' Finale

It's the only satisfying way for this story to end. Anything else would be a disappointment.
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Jon Snow Must Die in the Game of Thrones Finale
If Game of Thrones wants to end its eight seasons in a way that does justice to a series that shocked and horrified and angered its fans, Jon Snow must die. If Game of Thrones wants this finale to satisfy, to challenge, to surprise its millions of die-hard viewers, Jon Snow must die. If Game of Thrones wants to avoid cliche and provide an emotionally gratifying experience, Jon Snow must die. If Game of Thrones wants to pay off two decades of books and TV and intricate writing, of prophecies, of clues, of vision—Jon Snow must die. Read More
The Supreme Court Just Threw the Concept of Precedent Down on the Floor and Danced on It
As this term runs down, we can expect the Supreme Court to start letting decisions fly to all points of the compass. A lot of the attention on Monday was directed at the decision handed down in Apple v. Pepper et.al., a ruling that allows a whopping anti-trust action against Apple to go forward. The case got most of the attention because Justice Brett Kavanaugh sided with the Court's four liberal judges to allow the Court to rule, 5-4, against Apple. But, as should be obvious, the Court's ruling in this case is far less important than what the Court actually did in its majority opinion—it threw the doctrine of stare decisis down on the floor and danced a tarantella across it. Read More
Game of Thrones Season Eight Episode Five Left Us With These 50 Burning Questions
This final season of Game of Thrones has been pretty rough—for the fans, for the characters, and for the showrunners. And Episode Five continued Season Eight's baffling trend of completely abandoning the characterization that made the early seasons of the show so special. In Episode Five, Daenerys killed Varys and suddenly went Mad Queen on King's Landing killing pretty much everyone except for Arya and one horse, somehow. It was a strange and frustrating 80 minutes of TV, and it left us with a hell of a lot of questions going into the big finale. Here are 50 questions we have after Game of Thrones Season Eight Episode Five. (Warning: this story has spoilers.) Read More
Jonah Hill's Hair Is Proof That Sleaze Doesn't Die, It Simply Evolves
Jonah Hill is a beacon. If you want an idea of where the style zeitgeist is heading, look to Hill. This is, after all, one of the men who helped usher in the Summer of Sleaze about a year ago. His looks—a Phoenix suns jersey with loose white pants, bowling shirts aplenty—were gleefully grimy, just the things to embrace summer's heat while keeping it interesting. And it looks like sleaze isn't dying, just evolving. At least, if Jonah Hill's hair has anything to say about it. Read More
Game of Thrones Fans Figured Out the Real Meaning of Arya's White Horse in Episode Five
After an excruciating 80 minutes of television, the fifth episode of Game of Thrones Season Eight ends with a random white horse approaching Arya in the ruins of King's Landing. Somehow only these two survived Daenerys' dragon apocalypse. Arya approaches the horse, hops on, and rides off into the swirling ash. Visually, it's a quiet, beautiful ending for such a nightmare of an episode. But fans have spent the hours since the show first aired trying to figure out what the hell it means. Theories have been about everything from Arya calling a horse Uber to Bran warging into the horse to come pick her up. Read More
Game of Thrones Fans Aren't Happy About What Daenerys Did in Episode Five
Game of Thrones hasn't been super invested in staying loyal to long established character arcs this season. Years of Jaime's slow redemption were dashed when he decided to return to King's Landing for Cersei, only for both of them to get randomly squished. But no character has had a quicker turnaround than Daenerys Targaryen, who went full-on Mad Queen this episode, burning King's Landing with her sole surviving dragon after the city had surrendered Read More
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