Monday, May 20, 2019

The ‘Game of Thrones’ Finale Wasn't the Ending We Deserved

This story only truly ends with George R.R. Martin's books.
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The Game of Thrones Finale Wasn't the Ending We Deserved. But it Was an Ending Nonetheless.
George R.R. Martin started writing his series A Song of Ice and Fire back in 1971—and you have to wonder what that young writer would think of the way HBO and showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss concluded the story. It was always clear Martin prided himself on the scope of his books. They were long because they needed to be long. He needed to outline thousands of years of history, multiple generations of great houses, the world events of civilizations on different continents. He'd been writing this damn thing off and on for decades, and is still writing it, because this story can't be rushed. But, sadly, that's exactly what HBO and Benioff and Weiss did. Read More
56 Questions We Need Answered After the Game of Thrones Finale
We're still processing everything that went down in the Game of Thrones finale Sunday night. There are loose ends that didn't get tied up and unexplained plot points. We didn't see any of those many prophecies come true, nor get any clarity on the thousand-year struggle between the Three-Eyed Raven and the Night King. Almost all the protagonists made it out alive. It could've been worse, but it could've been a whole hell of a lot better. So as we continue to think it over, here are the 56 biggest questions that we need answered Game of Thrones series finale, "The Iron Throne." Read More
Here's Where Drogon Was Going With Daenerys at the End of Game of Thrones
One might argue that Daenerys Targaryen had the most tragic ending of all. She was consumed by her power and grief, massacred thousands, then was murdered by her lover/nephew Jon Snow. After Jon plunges his blade into her chest, she dies in his arms. But that's not the end of her journey. Inexplicably linked to her child dragon, Drogon is summoned to find his mother dead on the ground then flies off with her body. But where is he going, and why? Read More
How Tony Dokoupil Reached the CBS This Morning Anchor Desk
Though CBS This Morning watchers will recognize new host Tony Dokoupil—he's appeared as a correspondent on CTM about 200 times, by his estimate—he's still a new face in the high-stakes and sometimes high-drama morning TV landscape. And he's taken a nontraditional path here. Dokoupil sits down with Esquire's Kate Storey to talk about his drug dealer dad and how his wife, MSNBC host Katy Tur, inspired him to switch from print journalism to broadcast. Read More
It Looks Like Trump Threatened Iran Because of Something He Saw on Fox News
Amid the daily onslaught of national embarrassments and world-historical horrors, do not lose sight of the fact that the current administration has brought us perilously close to a war with Iran, a country of 83 million people boasting a large and highly trained military force. This weekend, Donald Trump tweeted a threat at the country and it seems his activity on the Tweet Machine that day was directly correlated with a Fox News show. When they talked on-screen about a report that Border Patrol could transfer some migrants captured at the border to facilities in Florida, Trump tweeted about the same—and tagged @FoxNews. When the discussion turned to the threat of "Iran proxies" attacking U.S. troops in Iraq or supposed Revolutionary Guard threats against U.S. ships in the Persian Gulf, the president reacted to that, too. Read More
Jon Snow Got Exactly What He Deserved in the Game of Thrones Finale
Although he was widely expected to die, or become king, or be the Prince That Was Promised, or have some other big important ending, things ended pretty humbly for Jon Snow. He was sent to the wall as punishment for killing Daenerys Targaryen, which is technically fair since he killed a queen and all. But at the same time seems pretty harsh considering he stopped a tyrannical ruler who just massacred millions of people. But maybe Jon Snow got exactly what he deserved in the end. Read More
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