Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Corrupt Thought Within This Administration* Is Vast and Relentless

Policy led by jealousy and grudge-holding is an existential threat to life on this planet.
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The Trump Administration Will Stop at Nothing to Suppress Real Climate Science
So, did everyone enjoy their holiday weekend? Was the weather lovely at the beach? I mention this only because, as we start this week, arrangements are being made deep in the heart of Camp Runamuck for everyone to have beachfront property someday in the future. The New York Times reports the Trump administration is seeking to "undermine the very science on which climate change policy rests." Oh, hell, why not? Someday, when we're gone and highly evolved bees are running things, they're going to be amazed that those ambulatory meatbags who preceded them simply decided to stupid themselves into extinction. Read More
Anthony Bourdain Remembered Is a Stunning Tribute to the Late Chef. Here's a First Look.
After Anthony Bourdain died last summer, CNN set out to put together a book of intimate photographs of the chef along with quotes from people whose lives he touched. The finished product was to be a keepsake for his daughter, privately published in a limited edition by the network that aired his series Parts Unknown. But now, the estate has decided to release the photos and messages in a book called Anthony Bourdain Remembered, available today. Here's a first look. Read More
According to Elton John, Movie Studios Wanted to Tone Down the Sex and Drugs in Rocketman
Elton John wrote in The Guardian that movie studios wanted filmmakers to mute depictions of sex and drugs in Rocketman to pursue a more profitable Motion Picture Association of America rating. "Some studios wanted to tone down the sex and drugs so the film would get a PG-13 rating," wrote the musician. "But I just haven't led a PG-13 rated life." Read More
Breaking Down Donald Trump's Deranged Involvement in the Central Park Five Case
Ava DuVernay's upcoming Netflix mini-series When They See Us dramatizes the story of the group of teenagers the media dubbed the Central Park Five. In 1989, the boys were accused and then convicted of raping a woman jogger in New York City. They were later exonerated when another man confessed to the crime. Throughout every development of the case, Donald Trump inserted himself into the public narrative. Here's how Trump has exploited and threatened five innocent teenage boys for decades. Read More
30 Questions About Netflix's The Perfection That We Need Answered
The latest Netflix horror flick, The Perfection, gets more insane as it goes on. The movie stars Allison Williams as Charlotte, a former cellist who returns to her academy after years away taking care of her mother. At a concert in China, she meets the new star student, Lizzie, played by Logan Browning. What begins as a cellist version of Black Swan evolves into a horror version of Whiplash with less social consciousness and way more Saw vibes. At the end of the film, there's a good chance you'll be Googling how tourniquets work. But even with that answer, we had a lot of questions. Read More
The Secret Oral History of Bennington: The 1980s' Most Decadent College
Fall, 1982. A new freshman class arrives at arty, louche, and expensive Bennington College. Among the druggies, rebels, heirs, and posers: future Gen X literary stars Donna Tartt, Bret Easton Ellis, and Jonathan Lethem. What happened over the next four years would spark scandal, myth, and some of the authors' greatest novels. Return to a campus and an era like no other. Read More
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