Wednesday, May 29, 2019

There's a Reason Mueller Won't Publicly Exonerate Trump

The special counsel could not charge Donald Trump with obstruction of justice. The legislature must wield its power to hold him accountable for what he's done.
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There's a Reason Robert Mueller (Still) Won't Publicly Exonerate Trump
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is an "institutionalist" at a time when the institutions of our republic are crumbling, undermined by the most powerful people in our society and, in some cases, the very people who run them. This is a perilous position when democracy is sliding into autocracy, a big-money bet that relentlessly observing institutional norms is the best defense against those hell-bent on destroying them. It requires the supreme conviction of a devout acolyte of The Order of Things—the kind of person who would privately write a letter to Attorney General William Barr complaining about how he rolled out The Mueller Report, then state publicly that he has no doubt Barr conducted that rollout in good faith. That's what Mueller said at a press conference Wednesday—that he doesn't think Barr conducted himself in bad faith. It was a stunning piece of counter-evidence against the claim Mueller is some kind of Honest Abe character. Read More
Pierce Brosnan Is Effortlessly Charming. So Why Would He Want to Be Anyone Else?
Pierce Brosnan, once Bond and always a painter (seriously), can make anything seem charming. One of the most beloved actors of our generation has certainly had his successes. Yet, in a new interview with Gabrielle Bluestone for Esquire, the former Bond star, full of humility, can't help but talk less about himself, and more about those he admires—specifically the late Robin Williams and Daniel Craig, for starters. Read More
Why a Luxury Watch Is the Ultimate Family Heirloom
Created by Esquire for Crown & Caliber
Passing on valuable life lessons. Read More
This Star Wars Rumor About Rey's Parents in The Rise of Skywalker Is Tearing Fans Apart
Star Wars fans have spent most of the 2010s debating Rey's parents. Long before The Force Awakens hit theaters, the question was: Who is Rey, really? Now, here we are, four years after the release of Episode VII, and we still don't really know. Yes, Kylo Ren pretty bluntly told Rey in Episode VII that her parents were just some space bums who abandoned her on some crummy desert planet, but fans refuse to believe this. Now, there's a new rumor that lays out a huge twist about Rey's parents. Read More
Justin Amash Brought the Receipts When Two Trump Supporters Came at His Impeachment Claims
Michigan Republican Rep. Justin Amash does not fear being held accountable, which is a pretty cool thing for a politician in a democracy. It's increasingly hard to remember how these things are supposed to work, but in theory, people elect a representative to represent them in, say, the national legislature. While a lot of his Republican colleagues have canceled town hall appearances in the Trump Era rather than defend the president or his attempt at healthcare "reform," Amash just held one after he became the first Republican in Congress to publicly state that Donald Trump, American president, committed impeachable offenses. Read More
Neither 'Rocket Man' Nor 'Tiny Dancer' Is Elton John's Best Song
Where does someone even start when making their way through the expansive catalogue of Elton John's music? That's about as easy of a question as the one that follows: which song is the best? With a career spanning five decades, over 50 Top 40 hits, and 300 million records sold, it's not like finding a good Elton John song is particularly difficult. But of the whole crop, the flamboyant rocker has had a few that seem to rise to the top of the heap. From the song that serves as the name for his 2019 biopic, to the album that started his career, here are the 30 best songs to come from one of the greatest musicians of all time. Read More
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