Thursday, October 31, 2019

How Many Times Can Giuliani Faceplant Mid-Crime Before He Gets Caught?

The presidential lawyer gets to work on the Tweet Machine.
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How Many Times Can Rudy Giuliani Faceplant Mid-Crime Before He Gets Caught?
It is an incredible thing to watch old men in obvious cognitive decline run around the highest levels of our politics, incriminating themselves almost constantly with, so far, zero consequences. The most outlandish example is Rudy Giuliani, who is working pro bono as a "lawyer" for the President of the United States. At first, it seemed like the Artist Formerly Known as America's Mayor might have taken the job because he missed the bright lights. But recently we've learned Giuliani also has some alternative revenue streams. For instance, he was paid half a million bucks by the company run by one of his since-indicted henchmen in the Ukraine caper—a company that's actually called "Fraud Guarantee." Read More
The Momentum Is All in One Direction Now
The train, it has left the station. Thursday morning, after a mercifully brief debate that nonetheless contained its share of crazy, the House of Representatives approved a resolution setting the rules and procedures for the process of impeaching the President* of the United States. The vote was nearly straight party-line, 232-196. Read More
Gotham Is Only New York If You've Never Been To New York
Todd Philipps' Joker is the first Batman movie to be filmed almost entirely on location in New York City. Seeing my hometown brought to throwback, 1980s-life in the beautifully shot movie was a treat, even if its messaging was not. But, even though it was clear that the busy streets, towering apartment blocks, and yes, those steps, were all in New York, the city still felt a bit unrecognizable. Gotham is plagued by incessant violence, and almost everyone who lives there seems almost unrelentingly miserable—and that's not New York as New Yorkers see the city. Read More
Eight Terrifying-But-True Horror Stories Reported in the News
Yes, a scary movie or book or show sticks with you once you've finished it, but you can at least rest easy knowing what you've just experienced was a work of fiction. We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but sometimes the real world is as horrifying as anything Stephen King could dream up. Read More
Star Wars Fans Are Convinced Hayden Christensen Is Returning As Anakin In The Rise of Skywalker
It's still unclear exactly why Star Wars IX is titled The Rise of Skywalker. Throughout the eight films of the franchise's main series, we've only met a few actual Skywalkers. In Episode I, there was Shmee Skywalker, and her son, Anakin. After Anakin returns as Darth Vader in A New Hope, we soon meet his two children, Luke and Leia Skywalker. And then in the recent trilogy, we've become acquainted with the latest generation of moody Skywalkers after meeting Adam Driver's character, Ben Solo–the son of Leia. That's five Skywalkers. So, at least one of them is going to "rise" in the big finale to the series. And oddly enough, recent rumblings in the Star Wars fandom are pointing toward Anakin as the Skywalker in question here. Read More
Spend Halloween Watching The Sixth Sense Before it Leaves Netflix in November
October is the month for spooky movies—and now is the time to get a watch of some classics in before November arrives. Whether you're a classics aficionado or simply looking for Halloween inspiration, we have you covered. Get some costume ideas from Bill Murray—whether it be his Ghostbusters look or the harder-to-pull-off Groundhog Day fit (wear a suit and tie, set your alarm clock to 6 a.m., break it, carry it around, and look generally dazed and confused). Read More
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