Tuesday, October 29, 2019

There’s a New Name on the List of Americans Who Stood Up for the Republic

Alexander Vindman will tell the Congress what he saw Donald Trump do with respect to Ukraine.
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There's a New Name on the List of Americans Who Stood Up for the Republic
Someday, when this is all over, and when everybody is pretending that this administration* never happened, there is going to be a roll of honor for people who stood for the republic, many of them career public servants risking their careers and their financial security—lawyers cost money—and we don't even know all of their names now. We know some of them: Marie Yovanovitch and Fiona Hill and Bill Taylor. And now we know another one, and his name is Alexander Vindman, and he is a lieutenant colonel in the United States Army. Read More
Inside the Amazingly Stupid Far-Right Campaign to Keep Sean Spicer on Dancing With the Stars
When Sean Spicer first appeared on Dancing with the Stars in a giant neon green blouse, no one particularly expected his tenure to in the competition to last very long. A celebrity for the most 2019 of reasons, Spicer's botched inaugural Salsa spelled immediate elimination. Yet, seven weeks later, he remains. His lingering presence on DWTS is baffling when considering the quality of his dancing and his abysmal judge scores. Read More
These Are the Best Audiobooks For Readers On the Move
There is not a bad place for an audiobook. Be it in the bath, at the airport, or during your commute to work or school—an audiobook is there to take your mind off reality, while saving you the eye strain. We all want to read more, but who has the time? That's where audiobooks come in—with the voices of Stephen Fry or Jim Dale doing the reading for you there are no excuses to get some reading done. Read More
How to Look as Unbelievably Cool as Obama in Sunglasses
Barack Obama: expert thrower of shade, and expert wearer of shades. The man speaks, and the world listens. He puts on a pair of sunglasses, as he did earlier this week, and the world gazes in awe at how damn cool the former president looks. Because, well, damn does he look cool. Read More
We Tested Out the New Apple AirPods Pro In-Ear Buds with Active Noise Cancellation
If there's one thing to hate about the first and second gen AirPods, it's the ear tip. If you have the correct ear hole shape for them, then consider yourself blessed. If you do not, however, there's not much you can do about it, except repeatedly stick them back into your ears when they fall out. Or, you could buy another brand of buds with in-ear tips, which are notoriously uncomfortable. (This, and the incredible ease with which you can lose or misplace a single pod.) Modern technology! Read More
Trump's Propaganda Network Smeared Ukraine Witness Alexander Vindman Almost Instantly
In the Age of Shamelessness, it doesn't matter if your entire argument falls apart in full view of the world. As long as you have a State TV network to feed a new bullshit line to the section of the country that has invested so much of themselves in your political movement that the sunk cost is insurmountable, you can carry on as if nothing happened. We've seen this time and again with Donald Trump, American president, but rarely so obviously as with the Ukraine fiasco. Read More
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