Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Trump and Giuliani Are on a Journey Into the Dangerously Insane

You got caught trying to collude with Ukraine, and Australia, and...Italy? Say Obama and Hillary did it in 2016.
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Fox News Rolls Out the Official Trump Defense Strategy: Accuse Obama of Exactly the Same Thing!
It seems we're on an inexorable journey into the dangerously insane, as the President of the United States tries anything and everything to fend off what increasingly look like actual consequences for his cartoonishly corrupt conduct in office. Read More
J.J. Abrams Has Confirmed a Big Kylo Ren Fan Theory About Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
It seems like Disney just can't decide what the hell to do with Kylo Ren's helmet. The Vader-esque cowl was first introduced in The Force Awakens. But as Kylo struggled with his place in the Dark Side and his loyalty to Snoke, it was smashed to pieces in The Last Jedi. But now, it appears the helmet is making a comeback, as it is a prominent feature in the trailers for J.J. Abrams' Rise of Skywalker. This time, the helmet looks different, though, and in a recent interview with Empire Magazine, J.J. Abrams has finally explained why. Read More
If You're Going to Wear a Black Dress Shirt, Wear It Like Bruce Springsteen
The first time I was presented with the above photo of Bruce Springsteen wearing a black shirt and a black blazer together, it was accompanied by a question. The gist of the question was this: "Is Bruce showing us all how to wear a black dress shirt with jeans?" Read More
10 Peacoats That'll Keep You Warm (and Stylish) This Winter
Ah, the peacoat. It's a classic, whether your point of reference is sailors using it to protect themselves from the elements or Robert Redford wearing it to flee from spies in Three Days of the Condor. And there's a very good reason the peacoat has survived as a style staple for so long. Well, actually, there are two: It works, and it looks great. You can opt for something with a slim fit or a more relaxed cut. You can go for a long or a short one (within reason, of course). Hell, you can even go really crazy and opt for a color other than navy, like gray or green or brown. Here are our 10 favorite picks to shop right now. Read More
Justin Bieber Bought Himself a Very Fancy Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Watch as a Wedding Present
Justin Bieber, patron saint of sleaze, has really cleaned up his act for his wedding to Hailey Baldwin. Not the legal one from last year, of course. We have ample evidence of continued sleazitude after the couple legally tied the knot. But for his nuptials at the Montage Palmetto Bluffs in South Carolina, Bieber pulled out all the stops on his way to "Well doesn't he look like a nice boy?"-ville. Hell, the guy wore boat shoes to his rehearsal dinner. Read More
William Barr and Mike Pompeo Are Now Fully Implicated in Trump's Trainwreck
It's become plain at this point that the ongoing "review" of the origins of the investigation into the Russian ratfcking of the 2016 election has as one of its primary purposes developing an alternative narrative to the plain fact that the Russians wanted to help the president* become president*, and that he accepted their help, and that this alternative narrative then will be used to discredit the revelations in the whistleblower's complaint, and that this project now commands the attention of, at the very least, the office of the president*, the Department of State, and the Department of Justice. The line for the rollercoaster at Depositionland is getting longer by the minute. Read More
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