Thursday, October 03, 2019

The Photos of Trump’s Oval Office Meltdown Are Truly a Work of Art

What a time to be alive.
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These Photos of Trump's Meltdown With the Finnish President Are, Collectively, a Work of Art
The President of the United States had an extended meltdown throughout his summit with the President of Finland, Sauli Niinistö, on Wednesday. He ranted and raved in the Oval Office. He yelled and menaced reporters at a press conference. At seemingly no point did he complete a sentence—fragments only. It was another in a long line of national embarrassments for our fine country, but it was also a bona fide event for photography. The watching press pool captured our fearless leader in all his wild gesticulations and frenzied mouth movements, and even caught a couple glimpses of poor Mr. Niinistö revealing how he really felt. Behold, some of the very best photos of this world-historical encounter. Read More
Todd Phillips Thinks Cancel Culture Ruined Comedy. Maybe He's Just Not Funny Anymore.
Film director Todd Phillips, who made his fortune on movies where white guys call each other faggots, has turned his back on comedy, and it's your fault. Read More
This Beard Oil Is A Game-Changer
Created by Esquire for Cremo
It smells great, reduces itchiness, and is super easy to use. Read More
The 10 Best Winter Sneakers Will Keep You Warm, Dry, and Looking Good
Now that winter is officially here, we've entered the season where style often has to give way to utility. When there's six feet of snow, sleet, and tundra piled up outside, it's hard to think about whether or not your look is on point. Luckily, there's plenty of winter gear out there that will keep you warm and snug while also keeping you cool (figuratively) and stylish. There are stylish and toasty hats, stylish and toasty coats, and yes, even stylish and toasty sneakers. That's right, just because it's winter doesn't mean you have to wear 37 pounds of winter boot. There are actually plenty of winter-ready sneakers you can wear when the conditions get a little icy. They may not work for running the Iditarod, but they'll definitely get you to and from the office. So to score yourself a snug and stylish pair of winter sneaks, shop our story below. Read More
Florida Just Got a Sneak Peek of Coming Attractions in the Climate Crisis
While the nation's attention is directed at the ongoing burlesque of democratic government in Washington, D.C. those clever Chinese climate hoaxsters are hard at work giving places like Florida a sneak preview of coming attractions. Read More
A New Star Wars Poster Revealed An Important Detail About Keri Russell's Mysterious 'Rise of Skywalker' Character
Any new character in the Star Wars universe—even the weirdo alien creatures designed to sell toys or dispense green milk—is a big deal to fans. From the moment Keri Russell was announced to appear in the upcoming Star Wars IX, fans went nuts trying to figure out who she is. Will she be Luke's lover!? Will she be Rey's mom!? Will she be a bounty hunter hired to track down Force sensitive people for the Emperor!? Read More
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