Thursday, October 24, 2019

Timex Just Debuted a Stylish New Watch That Won’t Last Long

The diver-inspired mechanical timepiece is a welcome addition to the brand's lineup.
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Timex's Affordable Navi XL Automatic Watch Is the First of Its Kind
The newest addition to Timex's ever-expanding portfolio isn't technically a diver. What the Navi XL Automatic is, in fact, is a diver-inspired watch. That means it's better suited to dry land and the occasional dip in the ocean than, say, an extended scuba session. To be honest, the same could be said for me—so no worries on that front. Read More
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Dismantled Mark Zuckerberg and His Policy on Politicians Lying in Ads
Facebook began as a tool to rate the relative attractiveness of women at Harvard, and now is a machine built in significant part to deliver information to (old) people which keeps them engaged on the platform. Also, people have at times used it to communicate with friends and share photos of their kids. But the company has now truly run amuck. It's a Silicon Valley behemoth that has seized on the refusal—or incapability—of lawmakers from both parties to regulate it and stretched its tentacles every which way while accepting little of the responsibility that comes with growing so large and so powerful. Read More
The Right-Wing Troll Backlash Against HBO's Watchmen Is Hilariously Stupid
One of the more unpleasant phenomena of this modern era dominated by fantasy, sci-fi, and superhero franchises is the online underbelly of far-right trolls who have taken it upon themselves to destroy any progressive ideas in modern movies or TV shows. They've piled on Star Wars movies that have made an effort to cast more women and people of color. They've attacked black-led superhero movies like Black Panther. They've harassed women who are starring in Marvel movies. They do this with racist, misogynist comments, crybaby petitions, review bombing, and with hilariously bad YouTube videos directed at journalists who call them out. Read More
The Biggest Star Wars Leak So Far Might Spoil the End of The Rise of Skywalker
We've seen a lot of potential leaks and spoilers for Rise of Skywalker so far. There was the theory that Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter. The family reunion scene involving Vader and Kylo Ren. And of course, so, so much about Dark Rey. But folks, we've never quite seen a spoiler like this before. In fact, in the history of the franchise, to my knowledge, I don't think an ending scene has ever been leaked online–and this is happening almost two full months before the movie debuts in December. Insane. Read More
The Sports Betting Capital of New York Is…Eastern New Jersey. Meet the Fanatics Who Make the Journey Each Weekend.
A train pulls into Hoboken Terminal. Commuters swarm the dim, dusty platform, then disperse, gone as fast as they came. The train disappears, too, back toward Manhattan, and a quiet settles in. A few people remain—a geriatric black man in a sweat suit and sandals, seated on a weathered bench; two potbellied white guys in oversize football jerseys, leaning against a concrete column; a handful of others—and all of them are staring at their phone. They may be strangers, but they belong to the same tribe. These are the carpetbagging gamblers of the Garden State. Read More
Taron Egerton's Toasty Tan Shirt Is a Perfect Airport Style Flex
There seems to be a trend bubbling up amongst the "guys who are famous and have their photograph taken all over the world" set (aka, you know, movie stars). Earlier this week, we saw Brad Pitt embracing it in Mexico City for the premiere of Once Upon a Time...In Hollywood. And now, we've got Taron Egerton working it into his arrival at Haneda Airport for the Tokyo premiere of Rocketman. Read More
Journey to Colombia: Nine-day trip for two travelers provided by G Adventures. Enter to win!
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