Monday, October 07, 2019

The Glaring Conflict of Interest in Trump’s Syria Plan

Meanwhile, the president's response on Twitter provides further evidence, in very succinct fashion, that he is completely insane.
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Trump's Plan in Syria Comes Complete With a Glaring Conflict of Interest
Donald Trump, the man we've seen fit to give enormous power to shape world events, the consequences of which will reverberate through the duration of our mortal lives, has few admirable qualities. One is his at least rhetorical aversion to Endless War, and his impulse to extricate the United States from conflicts in which no one can tell us what victory even looks like. However, it is more than offset by other features of his psyche, not least his militant incuriosity about the world and his impulsive decision-making process. Read More
In Joaquin Phoenix's Joker, What Was Real and What Was a Delusion?
Among the many problems with Todd Phillips's Joker is that the film itself tried to do so many things that it ended up doing nothing at all. Its ambiguous messaging, inconsistent storytelling, and thoughtless treatment of politics, marginalized people, and the concept of incels in general leave audiences with more questions than answers. Worse, the vague narrative leaves the film wide open for misinterpretation by anyone who watches—which is a dangerous thing for a film that seemingly glamorizes a white man who commits horrible acts of violence. Read More
President* Trump Abandons the Kurds in Syria Overnight
You get the feeling now that, with time running out on El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago and his retinue of crooks and mountebanks, all the dark debts he owes to people for their help in getting elected are coming due, the debts to Vladimir Putin and the Volga Bagmen first among them. There was the extortion plot aimed at a newly elected president of Ukraine whose country already was in what is at the very least a warm war with Russia. Now, in a decision announced in the dark of a Sunday night, the administration has decided essentially to green-light a potential slaughter of the Kurdish fighters who did so much to dislodge ISIS in Iraq. Read More
Adidas' New Gore-Tex-Equipped Stan Smith Is Here Just in Time
Wearing sneakers during the winter months is always a challenge. As you bulk up the rest of your wardrobe with sweaters, peacoats, and all the sturdier fabrics, you're often inclined to pair them with boots. Even when your look calls for sneakers, come November and December, the elements tend to disagree. Read More
Martin Scorsese's Claim That Marvel Movies Aren't Art Sparked a Passionate Debate Over the Weekend
While everyone was busy over the weekend debating the Joker's questionable take on incels, the Marvel world was keeping busy with a controversy of its own. The debate: Are Marvel movies… art? The Irishman director Martin Scorsese kicked this debate off last week, saying in an interview with Empire that not only does he not watch Marvel movies, he thinks that they aren't cinema. Read More
Hyperice's Hypersphere Mini Massage Therapy Ball Will Ease Your Achy, Tension-Filled Muscles
Have you ever wanted to give yourself a neck massage, but you can't because you're only human and not a particularly long-legged octopus? Same. Instead of harassing your partner or friend into helping you out, you could invest in a device that'll do the work for you. And not only the neck massage work, but other muscle tightness or soreness you might have slowing down your body. The device I'm referring to Hyperice's Hypersphere Mini high-intensity vibrating massage ball. You'll want to take it everywhere with you, and you should. Read More
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