Monday, August 10, 2020

16 Pairs of Polarized Sunglasses to Grab Now (and Wear All Year Long)

Eye protection. Style. They're the best of both worlds.
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16 Pairs of Polarized Sunglasses to Grab Now (and Wear All Year Long)
Occasionally you will actually want to rock shades that offer more than pure, unadulterated sex appeal, even if those rare instances are the exception. That's where polarized sunglasses come in. See, sunglasses that have polarized lenses have been specially treated to help minimize glare via an extra layer of protection that also fights against reflective light and those harmful UV rays. Turns out, more than a few of them pack a whole lot of appeal all their own. Go figure. You learn something new every day, huh? From here on out, think of polarized sunglasses as offering the best of both worlds—all the glitz and glamour of your favorite Old Hollywood stars combined with the always-in-style move that is treating your eyes right. Here's looking at you, kid. Read More
Hulu Will Regret Canceling High Fidelity
Upon the cancelation of High Fidelity, a modern reboot of the bestselling 1995 novel that was also adapted into a 2000 rom-com, star Zoe Kravitz made her feelings clear in an Instagram post. "It's cool. At least Hulu has a ton of other shows starring women of color we can watch. Oh wait." Kravitz is right—Hulu is thin on original series starring women of color. And if Hulu won't invest in a story that successfully flipped the tired cliches the older High Fidelity iterations relied on, then what does that mean for the future of the streaming service? Adrienne Westenfeld explains how this iteration of the story successfully flipped the dickish-white-dude archetype on its head—and why Hulu made a mistake by not giving it another round. Read More
'I'll Tell You All My Shit, Then': The Origin Story of Chris Chalk, According to Chris Chalk
"A Chris Chalk origin story?" asks Chris Chalk. He pauses. "Look, Chris Chalk was born in Asheville, North Carolina, single mom. I think they were married, and I really don't know. I told this to my agent the other day and she didn't believe me: I didn't know what divorce meant until I was in college." With minimal interruptions, sidebars—or a break for air, really—it takes approximately 21 minutes and three seconds for Chris Chalk to recite The Origin Story of Chris Chalk in its glorious, heartbreaking, joyous entirety. Here, Brady Langmann brings you the highlights. Read More
Here's Every 2020 Movie Streaming Online Early Due to the Pandemic
This has been a tough year in every sense of the word. And it certainly hasn't helped that the escape of the theater hasn't been an option when the real world is getting too real. Thankfully, movie studios quickly realized that releasing new films directly to consumers for home on demand was a necessary option in an extreme situation like the COVID-19 pandemic. Trolls: World Tour broke streaming records as one of our first pandemic-forced direct-to-digital hits—and it has since caused a ripple effect that might change how Hollywood game plans its big releases going forward. Since Trolls: World Tour changed the game, we've seen a ton of other studios follow suit, and (praise Queen Poppy), we've had the early release of several other films that were originally planned for a theatrical release. From horror hits like The Invisible Man, to true-life looks like Just Mercy, here's a list of movies that are streaming early due to the coronavirus pandemic. And for a more curated list, many of our best movies of 2020 are available to stream already as well. Read More
The Endorsement: You'll Use This Pan for Everything—Yes, Everything.
You probably know how to cook by now. That's good. It's likely been a journey. You might not have started with the right skill set, or any knowledge of how to use ingredients, or the correct tools to do it well. Well, unfortunately, we couldn't be there to fix the first two problems, but we do have a sick trick for the last one. The folks over at Our Place—the brand, not our actual home—have a pan that's quite plainly everything you need from a pan. What that means is that the Always pan is literally a pan for always. It can do almost anything within reason for a pan, and look damn good, too. Here's why it earned our Esquire Endorsement. Read More
What's Happening in Belarus Could Be a Preview of Our November
At this moment, the country of Belarus is in convulsions over a disputed election. Charles P. Pierce bring this up, because as we get closer and closer to our own elections, which are gearing up to be one of the chewiest clusters of fck ever seen anyway—and that's just because of the pandemic, and not the obvious ratfcking from the administration* and its enablers—he thinks it's safe to say that the results in November already are in "dispute," and that the infrastructure of crazy through which the dispute will be conducted is already in place. "Expect more of this," he says, "and in a hundred different places, as November beckons. I honestly don't know what this country is going to look like by Christmas." Read More
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