Friday, August 28, 2020

Trump's Great American Scam Culminated at the RNC

This was an entire alternate reality, chock full of grotesque characters and distortions so outlandish that it was enough to make you question the value of sanity in the face of the insane.
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Watching the Republican National Convention Was Like Watching C-SPAN on DMT
It is insufficient to describe the last four days of events known as the Republican National Convention as an avalanche of bullshit. This was an entire break with the world of observable reality outside, a matrix designed by and for those with Fox News brain poisoning where the COVID-19 pandemic is over, where the recording of all economic data stopped in early March—but also, the president is single-handedly bringing jobs back—and yes, where Donald Trump is a loving family man. The president is a man of God, unlike his opponent, the PseudoCatholic Trojan Horse for Socialism and Anarchy, Joe Biden. Just ask the nun in full habit they got to stand behind a TRUMP 2020 podium and denounce him. Only Donald Trump can lead us down the path of Jesus Christ. By the time an opera singer was performing a medley of 'Ave Maria,' 'America the Beautiful,' 'Hallelujah,' and 'God Bless America,' it was like watching C-SPAN on DMT. If only Hunter Thompson were around to see it. Politics Editor Jack Holmes does his best to unpack this bizarre week. Read More
Bill and Ted Face the Music Offers an Unexpectedly Excellent Message About Growing Old
Welcome back, most excellent dudes! It's been 30 long years since Generation X first made the acquaintance of William "Bill" S. Preston, Esq. and "Ted" Theodore Logan—that pair of infectiously sunny dim bulbs from San Dimas, California. In that span, we in the audience may have done a lot of growing up, but thankfully they haven't. Too much, anyways. Yes, Alex Winter (Bill) and Keanu Reeves (Ted) are now 55 and 56, respectively. But in 2020 their oblivious on-screen alter egos seem, on the surface, to be blissfully unaware of the dashed hopes and myriad disappointments that their peers now face in middle age. Here's Chris Nashawaty on Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter's return as two kind-hearted, middle-aged men wrestling with their own mediocrity. Read More
The 22 Best Bomber Jackets to Buy Now and Wear With Everything This Fall
When the bomber jacket came roaring back into style in the mid 2010s (helped along, to no one's surprise, by a certain influential hip-hop personality) all the real heads that'd been fucking with it for years rolled their eyes and went back to the old-school Corvettes they were tinkering with in the back of their garages or something. It sure as hell doesn't take a certified style visionary to appreciate the jacket's timeless appeal, but Kanye's cosign didn't hurt. Ye's preferred jacket, from the legendary Alpha Industries—the brand behind the nylon MA-1 silhouette damn near synonymous with the style today—is still widely available, but the bomber's been a big deal long enough that your favorite designer's favorite designer almost certainly offers a take on the silhouette, too. Here are 22 bomber jackets to buy now, and wear throughout fall. Read More
The 18 Best Pairs of White Sneakers to Buy Now (and Wear With Everything)
There's a reason the white sneaker's become the go-to hero product for so many sneaker stalwarts and DTC upstarts alike: It's a hero product, in the most literal sense of the word. As in, it's here to save your sorry ass after your swore off sneakers for all of, like, a month, before you realized there's no loafer on earth as comfortable as your favorite pair of workout shoes. (Or literally any other sneaker ever.) Easy to style, endlessly versatile, and somehow always elegant, the white sneaker is a warm-weather staple, and it's here to stay. Read More
What to Drink This Weekend: A Boulevardier
The Negroni is a knock-out cocktail; some would say with an outrageous amount of confidence that it's hands-down the best cocktail. But gin is not for everyone, and even if it were, the Negroni is a decidedly summery drink. So bounding into its place is the Boulevardier, a cocktail that swaps the gin for bourbon or rye whiskey, giving you a darker, heavier flavor with undertones that are hotter than they are herbaceous. Rye contributes even more spice. All while preserving the bitter sweetness of the Campari and vermouth. Here's a recipe you can read once, and never forget. Read More
Melania Trump's Lime RNC Dress Provided the Internet With the Perfect Green Screen
It is an understood rule that dresses of this particular hue are an invitation for mockery, and yet during the final night of the RNC, Melania Trump appeared in lime, daring the internet to Be Best. The internet has never listened. Within a half hour of Melania appearing on stage Thursday evening, the internet took Melania's perfectly green dress, utilized its collective Photoshop skills, and got to work. Read More
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