Saturday, August 08, 2020

The 35 Best Movies Based on True Crimes

Murder, money, and mischief, all based in reality—plus a dash of Hollywood magic.
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The 35 Best Movies Based on True Crimes
From the archetypal Bonnie and Clyde to the American gangster genre, Hollywood has a habit of capitalizing on the rich narratives of true crimes. Despite the natural thrill of tagging along with any vigilante thief or vengeance-fueled investigator, there's an undeniable feeling of extra adrenaline and fascination that comes from knowing such reckless and rare instances really happened. Or, at least are based on what really happened. While the true crime documentary genre has become hyper-saturated by streamers' ravenous appetite for titles like Tiger King and Don't F*ck With Cats, these based-on-a-true crime movies lend a bit of emotional distance and a lot of narrative flair to their stories. Take those news stories up a notch and check out the dramatic retellings in the following titles. Read More
The Endorsement: Vans' Old Skool Sneakers Are Still the Ones to Beat
Of all the sneakers every guy should have in their rotation, the Vans Old Skool might be the one we'd most wholeheartedly endorse. See, that's the thing about the Old Skool: It walks the walk. (And runs the run. And bikes the bike.) You hear a lot of shit talked online about how "inherently versatile" certain sneakers are, how you can wear them with your "sharpest suit" or with your "slouchiest pair of sweats." Sometimes it's true, and sometimes—shocker!—it really isn't. But the Old Skool? Man, the Old Skool is that sneaker. And if you're not rocking it absolutely everywhere you go this summer you're doing its eminently wearable silhouette a grave disservice. Avidan Grossman sings its praises for our latest Esquire Endorsement. Read More
The Best Office Chairs for Healing What 2020 Has Done to Your Back
So. You've finally accepted that crouching over a coffee table, slouched in a wooden IKEA kitchen chair, an old pillow behind your back for lackluster support, is not the most effective way to get work done. Likely, the slow burn pain radiating through your back is not helping. All signs lead to getting an office chair, designed for office work, for your home office. Ideally, it'll be an office chair that's a step above the one you left behind in the actual office, which your company likely scored in bulk at a discount and whose levers don't work at all. These chairs are the best you can get at any price range. Go pop an Advil to quell the back pain and then take a look. Read More
The 12 Best Dive Watches for Deep-Sea Adventures (or Just Wading in the Kiddie Pool)
One might quibble forever on what makes a great dive watch and how deep it should go, or how important a helium escape valve is when your most ambitious plunge is a belly flop off a diving board at your folks' pool. The reality is that any serious diver these days would not strap on a scuba tank without also strapping on the kind of digital dive computers—from the likes of Suunto or Cressi—that will convey a hundred more vital things about your dive than simply what time it is. Yet tellingly, many divers still take an analog diver watch with them strapped alongside. Because, you know, just sometimes, batteries run out. Here are 12 of the best right now. Read More
The 10 Best IPAs to Drink, As Recommended by Beer Experts
Though beer styles beyond the IPA are coming to be more and more popular (like sours and the classic lager), it's telling that the Homebrewer's Association named an IPA as its Best Beer in America last year. It also named an IPA for its second place spot. And third place spot. So put that where your stout and/or porter is. People are drawn to the strong hoppy flavor and the oft-high alcohol content. You want to be fancy but also party your ass off? Grab an IPA. We set out to get IPA recommendations, local and national, from some of the people who know beer best. Whether it's a beer buyer, a brewer, or just your favorite bartender, every Beer Person has an IPA opinion. This list is a good place to start forming your own. Read More
Let 5" Inseam TikTok Be Your Bare-Thighed Guide to Shorts Shopping This Summer
The past few weeks of this cursed summer have seen a sudden rise in markedly non-cursed 5" inseam content across TikTok, platform of the Youth. It began with a viral video from user @sabrinaxrod celebrating her boyfriend wearing a pair of 5" inseam shorts. That video has more than 300,000 views now, and Sabrina has since gone on to label herself as the "sole reason men are wearing 5" inseam shorts now." She did indeed spark a TikTok trend. But really, it's a lifestyle. Lauren Kranc on why it's a lifestyle worth adopting for yourself. Read More
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