Saturday, August 22, 2020

35 Comedies to Distract Yourself From the World This Weekend

From Oscar-level dramedies to goofball slapstick.
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The 35 Best Comedies to Stream On Netflix Right Now
If you're anything like us, you could use a laugh. So when you're scrolling through Netflix next, check out their impressive list of comedies. The extensive list of films ranges from irreverent and raunchy to romantic and heartwarming. After all, there's nothing like a comedy that can bring a smile so easily when you're in need of an escape. Although the streaming service offers many lighter options, from '90s classics to newer Netflix originals, we've sorted through to find the best comedies currently available. Read More
What We're Buying From Todd Snyder's Blowout Summer Sale
If the dog days of summer have you pining for cooler weather—and the layering opportunities it provides!—you, sir, are a man after our hearts. (And, FWIW, you might not be doing summer completely right.) Todd Snyder knows your pain. The designer's latest sale includes more than enough heat to satisfy those still looking to score big on last-minute summer wardrobe additions, but it also comes chock full of autumn-ready staples in the hearty, comforting fabrics you've been looking forward to reuniting yourself with for months. It's hard to say where any of us will be at the end of summer this year, but any imminent return to pre-pandemic normal seems highly unlikely. The Todd Snyder sale is a welcome reminder of what could've been, and what could still be, if only we'd open ourselves up to the idea of swapping out our sweatpants for, uh, literally anything else. (Not to worry—he's got sweatpants too! Lots of 'em, in fact. The man is nothing if not prepared.) Happy shopping, folks. Keep those chins up. Read More
15 Extraordinary Books You Can Read in One Sitting
You've heard of binge watching, but have you ever considered binge reading? Sure, there's something to be said for parceling a doorstopper novel into tidy, respectable chunks, but beyond that project lies another reading experience entirely: the one-sitting novel. The one-sitting novel isn't just something you can read in one afternoon—it's something you should read in one afternoon. The one-sitting novel is perfectly structured to be consumed as a complete, transporting experience, whether that's a breakneck ride through a thrilling narrative, or a slow, dreamy fog that envelops your mind as you page through. The best one-sitting novels sweep you off your feet, whisking you away to another world, only to deposit you back on your doorstep a few hours later, dazed and changed, seared in the fire of something new. For the sake of argument, we capped our choices at 250 pages—just enough to deliver a truly immersive experience, but not so many pages as to bleed over into the next day of reading. From the blisteringly contemporary to the classic, the lighthearted to the weighty, here are our favorite one-sitting novels. Go ahead—get lost in them. Read More
Why Does Bruce Willis Keep Making Films He Clearly Hates?
Bruce Willis has a new movie coming out today. It's called Hard Kill in case you're interested—although you're probably not. And we're sad to report that it's every bit as generic as its title would lead you to believe. In case this is starting to sound like the wind-up for a heartless take-down of the 65-year-old Willis, believe us it's not. Chris Nashawaty is a serious fan dating back to the days of Moonlighting. And, just to be clear, he still does manage to pop up in a decent major-studio movie every once in a while, even if you have to go back to the 2012 one-two punch of Looper and Moonrise Kingdom to find one. Which is probably why Nashawaty keeps finding himself getting sucked back time and again to check out his below-the-radar VOD shoot 'em ups. Hope springs eternal, and all that. It certainly hasn't been out of professional duty, since so few of his interchangeable cheapies from the past decade have been considered significant enough to merit proper reviews. Think of this instead as an intervention. But first let's talk a little about Hard Kill. Read More
The New Adidas Superstar Cleat Is What Happens When Sneaker Culture and the Golf World Get It Right
The world of golf apparel has come a long way. No longer are weekends spent on the course (or watching the pros do their thing on TV) full of oversized polos and pants that don't fit. Players are trading the traditionally mocked attire for more modern, on-trend fits that don't skimp on performance either. Nowhere is this shift more apparent than in the footwear realm. Sneaker culture and the golf world have had some impressive collisions over the past few years, and perhaps no more impressive than the arrival of Adidas's limited-edition, on-course version of its most iconic silhouette—the Superstar. Esquire's Ben Boskovich took them for a spin, and makes the case for why they should be your new (and even forever) golf shoe. Read More
The 26 Best Hoodies to Wear Whenever and Wherever You Want
The thing about the humble hooded sweatshirt is that, at this point, it ain't all that humble. We'd go so far as to say the hoodie's gotten arrogant. Now a star player in the big leagues with the world at its fingertips, the hoodie's developed a bit of an ego. It doesn't see any reason why it can't go on playing forever, and its fanbase seems to get bigger and bigger every day. Don't get us wrong, the hoodie is still putting up stellar numbers, but the scrappiness that defined the earlier stages of its career—built on the backs of skaters and countercultural types —isn't as present as it used to be. It hears talk of streetwear's impending demise, or the rise of casual tailoring, and scoffs, feeling protected by its prestige status and relatively approachable price-point. The hoodie, it thinks to itself, isn't going anywhere. Guess what? It's not wrong. It's the hoodie's world, man, and we're all living in it. The sooner you reconcile yourself to that reality the sooner you can move on (mostly through a process involving copping as many dope hoodies as you possibly can). So hop on board the hoodie bandwagon, bud. It's a hell of a time to be a fan. Read More
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