Monday, August 03, 2020

Republicans in Congress Are Flailing. Don’t Fall Into This Trap.

With whom, exactly, are the Democrats supposed to negotiate here in Bedlam?
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'Congress' Is Not Flailing. Republicans in Congress Are Flailing.
Charles P. Pierce has heard enough of this nonsense. "Congress" is not flailing. The Republican majority in the Senate is flailing, because the Republican majority is made up of Republicans, and the Republican Party is made up of hyper-ambitious lunatics. It's not "Congress" that's stiffing the millions of Americans who need relief in this perilous time of tangled national emergencies that are feeding off each other. It's the Republicans. Why is that so hard to say? Mitch McConnell can't even get his caucus to listen to the White House chief of staff or the Secretary of the Treasury, let alone himself. With whom, exactly, are the Democrats supposed to negotiate here? Read More
Newly Updated: The Best Movies of 2020 (So Far)
With Tenet now officially opening in the United States on September 3 (in what will no doubt be very limited release), the 2020 summer movie season is officially over before it began—a sad situation brought about by the coronavirus and numerous states' inability to reopen their economies (and thus movie theaters) in a safe and responsible manner. Still, as we roll into August, excellent movies continue to see the light of day, even if it is via VOD rather than in theaters. In the past month, cinephiles have been blessed with excellent fiction and non-fiction features from here and abroad, reconfirming that despite our new COVID-19-created distribution paradigm, there remains a steady stream (pun intended) of great offerings for audiences of all tastes. To date, these are our picks for the year's best. Read More
The Best White Sneakers You Can Wear With Everything. Yes, Even That.
There's a reason the white sneaker's become the go-to hero product for so many sneaker stalwarts and DTC upstarts alike: It's a hero product, in the most literal sense of the word. As in, it's here to save your sorry ass after your swore off sneakers for all of, like, a month, before you realized there's no loafer on earth as comfortable as your favorite pair of workout shoes. (Or literally any other sneaker ever.) Easy to style, endlessly versatile, and somehow always elegant, the white sneaker is a warm-weather staple, and it's here to stay. Looking to cop a new pair for yourself after you beat the last ones to shit this past spring (and then told yourself you were wearing hard-bottoms from here on out)? Look no further. From high-tops to lows, canvas to leather, Avidan Grossman rounded up some of the best versions available so you can cop now. Read More
How to Grow a Truly Great Beard
Keeping that beard looking clean must now be your raison d'être, the first thing you think about before scrolling through the timeline for half an hour when you wake up in the morning and the last thing you think about after scrolling through the timeline for half an hour when you go to bed at night. You definitely can't up and forget about it and expect people not to notice. (Hence, once again, the complaints.) The good news is, keeping your beard in tip-top shape requires a few steps you're probably already familiar with—including brushing, conditioning, trimming, and washing—and a few products you'll likely recognize, too. Treat your beard with the same degree of devotion you'd show the hair on your head and you'll be more than fine. Here's how. Read More
The Umbrella Academy Left a Major Clue For What Will Happen in Season Three
This article contains major spoilers for The Umbrella Academy Season Two. The Umbrella Academy's second season is so funny, fast-paced, and action-packed that it can be forgiven for having broadly the same story line as Season One. Both seasons find the super-powered Hargreeves siblings facing a countdown to the apocalypse, and end with them using time travel to escape to different era. Thankfully, the details of both stories are very different, and the ending of Season Two hints at some deeply cool possibilities for Season Three by setting the stage for a new adventure for the Hargreeves family, and introducing a parallel school for young heroes—the Sparrow Academy. Read More
From the Mood Board: Just 40 Photos of Poolside Celebrities
Summer means dinners on the grill, lazy afternoons on lawn chairs, and revving up the lawn mower every weekend. It also means swimming pools. Before you go find your swim trunks, enjoy these old-school photos of celebrities hanging at the pool. Here's hoping you look half as cool as them. Read More
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