Thursday, August 13, 2020

Trump’s War on the Post Office Has Entered a Dangerous New Phase

'Now they need that money in order to make the post office work,' Trump said, adding: 'But if they don't get those two items that means you can't have universal mail-in voting…'
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The President Has Openly Declared He's Destroying the Post Office to Suppress Votes
The president has now said, out loud and on national television, that he intends to destroy the United States Postal Service in an attempt to stop people from voting safely during a pandemic. He seemed quite happy to admit this to Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business, one of the putative news anchors—along with the Fox & Friends geniuses—who occasionally serve as his therapist. He gave away the game on his Postal Service fuckery Thursday like there was some sort of broadcaster-patient confidentiality in place. Politics Editor Jack Holmes points out why this is just incredible, even if it's been clear for some time that Trump is willing to dismantle the Postal Service—harming American citizens and American businesses—for his personal political gain. Read More
The Best Picks From Nordstrom's Annual Anniversary Sale to Shop Now
If—somehow—you managed to make it all this time on God's not-so-green earth without knowing about the annual Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, well, you're going to learn today. For the uninitiated, the Anniversary Sale is the Seattle-based retailer's much-anticipated yearly summer blowout, featuring steep discounts across a broad array of new arrivals. For deal-savvy clotheshorses, it's like Christmas come early. Or, put another way, it's the Super Bowl of shopping (with equally high stakes for everyone involved). In prior years, the sale started in mid-July, but what with the world just up and going to shit recently, Nordstrom decided to postpone the eagerly anticipated event until August 19, with early access for Nordy Club members starting on August 13. (It'll run through August 30.) So mark your calendars, because this is one you don't want to miss. For reference, people typically start counting down the days ahead of the official start of the sale weeks in advance. Read More
Seven Mayors, Three Crises, One Text Thread
A brotherhood of Black mayors, mostly from the South, talk to one another on a group chat. They've had the odd phone call through the three crises facing us all—the coronavirus pandemic, the accompanying economic turmoil, and the massive movement for racial justice following the killing of George Floyd by officers of the Minneapolis Police Department—but they primarily operate via text. This group chat is where they say they turn whenever they're stumped, need advice, or want to hear a voice that doesn't have an interest in their local city politics. Sometimes they just need a laugh. As COVID-19, a cratering economy, and mass demonstrations sweep the nation, they're finding that these conversations are a lifeline. For the September issue of Esquire, Politics Editor Jack Holmes spoke to these seven young mayors about what it means to be both a mayor right now and a Black man in America always. Read More
The Best Bucket Hats to Help You Become Your Own Style Hero
Hunter S. Thompson was a lot of things to a lot of people, but right now he's......2020's most improbable style hero? Let us clue you in on a little secret: It's all in the hat. Take a long, hard look at the many, many photos of the dude posted online. The guy rarely went anywhere without his signature accessory. His preferred style, and the one Depp made iconic in his portrayal of the writer? That's right, baby. The trusty bucket. If you want to make like Hunter S. this summer, the easiest way to borrow some of his specific brand of debauched swagger is by copping a bucket hat, throwing it on daily, and then forgetting about it entirely. (And maybe pairing it with the perfect set of retro shades.) Read More
One Hundred and Fifty Days
It's been 150 days since the Trump administration enacted its 15-day plan to stop the spread. One hundred and fifty days of promises of curves flattening in weeks, of the summer heat causing the virus to go away, of reopenings and paused openings and reclosings. One hundred and fifty days of job losses in the tens of millions, of benefits to cushion the blow given and taken away. One hundred and fifty days of protests and uprisings and of state violence to put them down. One hundred and fifty days of cases rising ever higher and bodies stacking in numbers that are hard to fathom. There were about 5,000 cases when we took 15 days to slow the spread. Now there are five million. Here, Dan Sinker provides a sobering reminder that everything, in every way, has gotten worse. Read More
The Best Thrillers to Watch on Netflix Tonight
While Netflix has a long watchlist of movies, there's a particular excitement that comes along with taking on something from the thriller genre. In the line-up of films below, we've narrowed down some of Netflix's best current offerings so that the scrolling and the decision doesn't get in the way of movie night. Whether you're looking for something heist-adjacent or a peek into the absolutely demented mind of Yorgos Lanthimos, Netflix has a treasure trove of thrillers to eat up at least a few hours of your Saturday night. Now you just have to decide what food pairs well with the true-life story of a near Ebola outbreak. That's on you. Read More
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