Saturday, December 12, 2020

15 Last-Minute Gift Ideas

No need to overthink these, especially during the holiday madness.
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15 Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Everyone. Seriously, Everyone.
In the age of one-click Internet shopping, you've got no excuse for coming up short in the giving of gifts. But even now, time is a precious commodity—you don't want to waste it browsing, nor do you want to hang around the front door, eyes peeled for the UPS guy as the days left 'til the holidays tick away. Which is where we come in. Here are some stylish, no-fail, last-minute options to choose from, no matter the occasion and no matter who you're looking for. Each will get to you fast (thanks, Amazon), and in some cases, immediately, as is the beauty of subscription clubs and membership boxes. Take a look. You'll easily outdo your gift-giving efforts of years past. Read More
24 Pairs of Very Good Sweatpants. Because, Damn, Is It Ever Time for Sweatpants.
Wearing the right pair of sweatpants—in high-tech fabrics or good ol' fleece—is still the easiest way to dress down any outfit. Throw on the comfiest pair you own and some camp socks when lounging around the apartment or treat yourself to a luxe take on the style in a super premium material with a sweater layered on top and a pair of slip-ons for a WFH fit that still feels office-ready. From tried-and-true classics to updated takes on the style from some of the coolest labels around, there have never been more options—or a better time to be in the market for a pair of today's breed of subtly tweaked, expertly cut sweats. Here, we rounded up more than 20 of the best styles available now, and thank us later. Read More
The "Dudes Need Self-Care, Too" Gift Guide
Created by Esquire for Huckberry
Indulge yourself, you deserve it. Read More
The 15 Swankiest Pajamas Money Can Buy Right Now
There's never been a better time to embrace the transformative power of the elevated PJ set. Sick and tired of whiling the day away wearing the same old pair of ratty sweats? While the day away in pajamas so swanky no one would dare call you out for wearing them, no matter how formal the virtual occasion. To paraphrase one instantly iconic paean to the style: Sorry I'm in pajamas, but—in full disclosure—I just hopped off the PJ. Sometimes you have to do it to 'em. So this winter, take a page out of The Irishman book of dressing and cop yourself the PJs your weary body deserves. To help you get started, here are 15 of the best pairs of pajamas on the market today so you, too, can look like a paragon of gracefully-aging Hollywood royalty (even if you're not exactly living like one). Read More
The 40 Best White Elephant Gifts That'll Cost You Less Than $20
Will White Elephant happen in the cursed year of 2020? It is really hard to say. Maybe it will, with everyone shipping mail-order packages to the designated leader, who'll orchestrate a complicated and tiresome virtual 'phant, and then send the packages out to their respective owners. Maybe it will, but only among your close family or friends with whom you feel secure being in close proximity. Whatever the case, it's a time-honored holiday tradition, and a year without White Elephant would be a bummer indeed. Read More
59 Unique Gifts for Dads Who Already Have Everything
Finding the "right" gift for for your dad is always a daunting task. What the hell do you get the man who invested countless hours in making sure your childhood wasn't a complete shit show—sacrificing his own wants and needs time and time again— only to have you get a dual degree in, like, Drama and Graphic Design while you still swipe his credit card with impunity every time you order takeout? Tracking down the perfect present should involve more than a last-minute run to the liquor store to pick up his preferred brand of booze, or hitting up your equally saint-like mother to find out where he gets his ties. Dear old dad deserves a form of recognition as unique as he is, even, and especially, if he insists he wants nothing at all this year (as per usual) because "you're the best gift he could've asked for." Scroll through the options rounded up here and look like you put some actual effort into finding a gift for your dad this holiday season—even if you're desperately speed-reading through this the night before you're all supposed to swap presents. Love you, Pops. Read More
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