Friday, December 18, 2020

Trump & Co. Are Yet Again Botching the Vaccine Rollout

Pfizer says it has plenty of vaccine doses, but the Trump administration* isn't getting them distributed.
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Make 2021 The Year You Join the Club
And by "the club" we mean Esquire Select, our new membership program here at Esquire. What's in it for you? How about an annual subscription to the best damn magazine on the planet? How about unlimited access to Esquire at the speed of the internet? You'll get that, but you'll also get a weekly members-only newsletter, exclusive access to deals from our favorite brands, and unlimited access to Politics with Charles P. Pierce. But that's not all. Sounds like a mighty fine way to star the year, yeah? Yeah! Read More
Is There Nothing About This Pandemic That These Clowns Won't F*ck Up?
While it's nice to know that, very soon, Vice President Mike Pence will have had all his shots, and therefore will be eligible for adoption by a loving family, the basic problem is that he still works for an administration* equally divided between the evil and the stupid. According to The Washington Post, Pfizer released a statement saying "We have millions more doses sitting in our warehouse but, as of now, we have not received any shipment instructions for additional doses." Is there nothing about this emergency that these clowns can't fck up beyond all recall? Apparently not. And Charles P. Pierce thinks picking a fight with the company that got there first, and that is already ramped up to produce millions upon millions of life-saving doses, is the kind of brilliant public-policy thinking that this continent hasn't seen since it was ruled by George III. Read More
Discover the Box of Awesome
In Partnership with Bespoke Post
Bespoke Post packs each Box of Awesome with quality goods at a great price, month after month. Free to join. Read More
Adidas' End-of-the-Year Sale Is Here to Save You
Aaah, the week before Christmas. The world—or at least the American Northeast—is blanketed in half a foot of snow, packages galore are starting to accumulate on the doorsteps and in the lobbies of homes across the country, and a tepid sense of holiday cheer is slowly starting to set in. All is as it should be. Wait, what? C'mon, now. You mean to tell us you haven't done a single second of holiday shopping yet? Say it ain't so! You're better than this, man. We're not mad. We're disappointed. Luckily for you, Adidas and its annual end of year sale is here to bail you out again. (Although, to be clear, there's no guarantee any of what you order will arrive before the holiday.) It's been a good year for the Three Stripes, and the German sportswear giant is here to share the love by spreading some much-needed yuletide greetings—in the form of steep discounts on sneakers (Stan Smiths! Sambas! Superstars!) and a WIDE selection of winter-ready athletic apparel. To help you on your search, here's but a few of our favorite items to keep top of mind while you stress-scroll through the full array of options. Read More
The 40 Best Gifts for Men You Can Unearth on Amazon Before It's Too Late
Amazon, at times, can be a deluge of piping hot garbage. But there's good stuff to be found on the all-encompassing online store, too, amongst all the weird gadgets that don't work and knock-off style brands. And that good stuff can make a great gift for the guy in your life, whether he be a boyfriend, husband, father, or brother. Plus, it makes life easy for you. The holidays are almost upon us, and you don't want to be stepping foot in an actual store to rifle through shelves on December 24, especially in the year 2020. So to save you time (great) and money (even better), we dug up the best of the best on Amazon with these 40 gift ideas for men, all of which are eligible for free Prime shipping—or fast, non-Prime shipping before Christmas—and all of which are worth coveting. Read More
The 55 Best Tech Gifts for Everyone on Your Shopping List
The world is 99.9 percent made up of technology. Well, not quite. But some days, it sure as hell feels that way, from the smart wearables we strap to our bodies to the smart home devices we place throughout our living spaces. Now, let's add some more and get that percentage up to 100. There are plenty of cool tech gifts and gadgets to buy for folks in 2020, from your nephew who just started middle school to your techie spouse to your tech-adverse grandpa. Here are 55 of the best. Read More
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