Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Michael Flynn Wants a Military Coup. Seems...Bad.

Former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has checked in with a fresh dose of patriotism.
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It Seems Bad That the Guy the President Just Pardoned Is Calling for Him to Execute a Military Coup
Many of the high clergy in the Church of the Savvy have been calmly explaining for weeks that although Donald Trump's brazen and pathetic post-election behavior is corrosive to democracy, it does not technically count as a coup attempt. The president's myriad lawsuits attempting to throw out the results of democratic elections have not worked, these folks explain, therefore they were never going to work (Logic), and concern about them working—on the basis that no Law or Norm has much mattered for four years—was hysteria. This is too stupid to be a coup! It's just a grift, because these things are mutually exclusive. And besides, a coup involves using the military or the security apparatus to seize power. He's just getting laughed out of court. Welp, now his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, a man the president pardoned just last week for "any and all possible offenses" related to the Mueller probe, has endorsed a call for the president to "temporarily suspend the Constitution," "declare limited martial law," have "the military oversee a national re-vote," and "silence the destructive media." Wow! Sounds a bit like a coup. Read More
The Best Apple Watches to Gift This Year
With more and more smart watches joining the market each year, there still never seems to be one to compare to the ease and usability of the Apple Watch. Intuitive, highly effective, and widely popular, the Apple Watch does an exceptional job of meeting consumer needs. But which one is right for the person on your list? If you're on the hunt, take a look at our top picks here. Read More
Think Big This Holiday
In Partnership with Penguin Random House
Learn leadership and resilience from these must-read bestselling authors. Read More
George Clooney Cuts His Hair With a Flowbee. Should You?
George Clooney has always seemed like one of those low-maintenance A-List actors, you know? He's the patron saint of a certain Hollywood cool-guy swagger that depends largely on a uniform; he's never one to show up on the red carpet in some crazy outfit or over-the-top hair color. Honestly, not counting the epic beard he was sporting for the last few years, we can't remember him with any haircut other than the one he has now (except, of course, for when he was on Roseanne). If you've ever wondered how Clooney always looks so damn good and so damn the same, congratulations, today is your lucky day. In an interview with CBS This Morning, the actor revealed his greatest, and arguably most surprising, grooming secret. George Clooney—rich, famous, Oscar-winning George Clooney—cuts his own hair using the '80s infomercial staple Flowbee. It's a fitting bombshell for the year 2020, in which we all became DIY cutters in our own rights. Who knew that Clooney was an early adopter of the quarantine cut? After learning the actor's impressive coiffure is (shockingly) his own creation, Grooming Editor Garrett Munce asked an expert if you can expect the same level of success for yourself. Read More
In Quarantine with the Godfather, Francis Ford Coppola
As quarantines go, Francis Ford Coppola's setup in the Napa Valley sounded pretty sweet. Esquire's Kevin Sintumuang did a couple of Zoom conversations with the film director and winemaker over the summer, and what he described, as Sintumuang sat by his laptop with yet another tin of tuna, struck him as a sort of Italian-American mid-pandemic Eden. Coppola and his family were sequestered on the expansive acreage of the old Inglenook estate that he and his wife, Eleanor, had purchased back in 1975, when the Coppolas were flush with cash from the first two Godfather films. And when we say "family," we mean much of Coppola's extended clan, including his children and grandchildren and nephews and apparently anyone else with a soft spot for cabernet sauvignon and wraparound porches—about 25 people total, depending on the day, all coming together for group meals and film screenings. But over the past 30 or so years, Coppola has devoted far more of his hours and energy to making wine than to making movies. Here's what the legend had to say when we asked him how his quarantine was going—and what he predicts will come of the pandemic in regard to the wine business. Read More
45 Exceptional Gift Ideas for Men Who Seemingly Have Everything
There's always that one man in the family or friend group. When you envision his life, things dominate the mental image. Cool things, too. In your head, he's surrounded by technology that looks like it could run governments, clothing that looks like it could debut at Men's Fashion Week 2021, and precious heirlooms that look like they'd tempt Indiana Jones. He's got it all. Or so it seems, especially if you've been tasked with somehow, against all odds, gifting him something he doesn't already own. The trick here is finding a gift for him that he doesn't even know he wants, robbing him of the opportunity to have gone out and bought it himself already. That gift will be unique, one-of-a-kind, likely impractical but highly memorable. And you'll find it on this list of 45 exception gift ideas for the guy who really does act like he has everything he could possibly need. Read More
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