Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Trump's TV Faithful Just Gave Away the Game

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Dr. Sebastian Gorka, PhD and the MyPillow Guy Just Gave Away the Game on Trump's Election War
Just as this moment has revealed the American president is a would-be autocrat who would use the nation's security apparatus to overturn an election and seize control of the country, it has also increasingly revealed just how empty the rhetoric is supporting this behavior. That process has been accelerated because two firms that produce voting machines, Dominion and Smartmatic, have started to issue lawsuit threats against some of the many tentacles of the right-wing disinformation apparatus on the basis that outlets like Newsmax or OANN or Fox News have done them severe reputational harm by spreading conspiracy theories about how they stole the election from Mr. Trump on behalf of Zombie Hugo Chavez, or whatever. The suits are seemingly dangerous enough that a couple of these outlets have aired segments over the last week debunking their own reportage on supposed election fraud since the election. Newsmax in particular is sweating bullets, which is how you get the following exhibition from Dr. Sebastian Gorka, PhD, whose doctor status seems to get less scrutiny than Jill Biden's. He hosted Mike Lindell, better known as the MyPillow Guy and, in these precincts, as a true icon of Donald Trump's televised unreality. Here's Politics Editor Jack Holmes on how the segment offered an incredible moment. Read More
If You're Still Not Done Buying Gifts, Here's What to Get Now
In the age of one-click Internet shopping, you've got no excuse for coming up short in the giving of gifts. Especially now, in the home stretch, time is a precious commodity—you don't want to waste it browsing, nor do you want to hang around the front door, eyes peeled for the UPS guy as the days left 'til the holidays tick away. Which is where we come in. Here are some stylish, no-fail, last-minute options to choose from, no matter the occasion and no matter who you're looking for. Each will get to you fast (thanks, delivery folks), and in some cases, immediately, as is the beauty of subscription box gift cards and membership clubs. Take a look. You'll easily outdo your gift-giving efforts of years past. Read More
35 Great Gift Ideas for the Book Lover
Let's face it: The bookworm in your life likely doesn't need any more books. Chances are, their shelves are already groaning beneath the weight of their collection—not to mention that they're rather particular about their literary diet. Rather than adding another book of questionable appeal to their exhaustive collection, why not think outside the box? There are plenty of reading-adjacent gifts that will support their favorite pastime without burdening their shelves. Read More
10 Last-Minute Gifts That Earned an Esquire Endorsement This Year
One place we've all learned to look over the last few years, when we want something really great to impress our loved ones, is the deep catalog of hits featured in the Esquire Endorsement. These are the products we've loved all year long, so why not share the love when gifting season arrives and present them (as presents!) to the people we most appreciate? And here's the really good news: A whole bunch of the best of those products can still be purchased now and delivered in time for Christmas. But shipping cutoffs are coming quick, so hurry up and start shopping. Hell, just click on any one of the picks here and blindly order it for your dad, or your wife, or your boyfriend. You can't go wrong! Really. Read More
40 Great Gifts You Can Still Grab on Amazon Before It's Too Late
Amazon, at times, can be a deluge of piping hot garbage. But there's good stuff to be found on the all-encompassing online store, too, amongst all the weird gadgets that don't work and knock-off style brands. And that good stuff can make a great gift for the guy in your life, whether he be a boyfriend, husband, father, or brother. Plus, it makes life easy for you. The holidays are almost upon us, and you don't want to be stepping foot in an actual store to rifle through shelves on December 24, especially in the year 2020. So to save you time (great) and money (even better), we dug up the best of the best on Amazon with these 40 gift ideas for men, all of which are eligible for free Prime shipping—or fast, non-Prime shipping before Christmas—and all of which are worth coveting. Read More
Republican Leaders in Congress Could Stop This at Any Point. They Choose Not To.
It has become clear since the 2020 elections that the deep, wide, and profitable vein of idiocy running through American conservatism—and, therefore, through the Republican Party, which is that conservatism's primary political vehicle—will still be yielding a motherlode for at least one or two more election cycles. It is increasingly likely that a few of these newly minted public servants are going to contest Joe Biden's election when Congress meets to formalize the results in Washington next week. In fact, the president* had a flock of these birds over to the White House on Monday, apparently to plot strategy. Congresswoman-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Bedlam) spoke for the gathering to Fox News. "We will be raising objections to the Electoral College votes for Joe Biden for multiple states," Greene told Fox News. Here's Charles P. Pierce on why their efforts will go nowhere, but the spectacle will be damaging all by itself. Read More
It was supposed to be a family road trip to visit an aging relative. Then the car got stuck in a muddy rut and, well—these things never turn out well, do they? Stephen King, the legendary architect of your worst nightmares, delivers another shocking story you won't soon forget.
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