Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Cult of Trump Just Put on an Absurd Puppet Show

The hearing was ornamented by the presence of Ken Starr, whose journey to completely embarrassing Republican hack is obviously complete.
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Ron Johnson Ran a Grievance-Laced Puppet Show Starring the President*'s Disgruntled Devotees
On Wednesday, in the United States Senate, Senator Ron (Shreds of Freedom) Johnson held the latest in the ongoing series of grievance-laced puppet shows starring disgruntled devotees of the current president*. The abiding theme of this one was giving lawyers whose asses have been kicked all over every judicial system a chance to plead their threadbare cases one more time. In this, the hearing succeeded. If you think this is an open invitation for further voter-suppression activity in Republican-dominated state legislatures, backed up by similar finagling from national Republican politicians and activists, well, that means you've been paying attention. Here's Charles P. Pierce on what transpired. Read More
10 Last-Minute Gifts That Earned an Esquire Endorsement This Year
One place we've all learned to look over the last few years, when we want something really great to impress our loved ones, is the deep catalog of hits featured in the Esquire Endorsement. These are the products we've loved all year long, so why not share the love when gifting season arrives and present them (as presents!) to the people we most appreciate? And here's the really good news: A whole bunch of the best of those products can still be purchased now and delivered in time for Christmas. But shipping cutoffs are coming quick, so hurry up and start shopping. Hell, just click on any one of the picks here and blindly order it for your dad, or your wife, or your boyfriend. You can't go wrong! Really. Read More
15 Ski Jackets You Can (and Should) Wear Off the Slopes
With their high-performing, tech-y credentials you could, in fact, argue that the ski jacket paved—or, ah, shredded—the way for the type of tricked-out outerwear stylish dudes are going wild for today. And this time of year, you're going to need a layer that'll stave off the wind and keep out the cold while simultaneously ensuring you don't overheat whether you're slaloming down the slopes or down the street for groceries. Opt for a super-sleek, streamlined number or lean all the way into the look and cop yourself the luridly colored ski jacket of your childhood dreams. Here are 15 we love right now. Read More
These Were the 65 Best Movies of 2020
It was, in many respects, a year to forget—but not so when it came to film. Although most were viewed on inadequately small screens, the legion of fiction and non-fiction releases that helped us cope with our pandemic-wracked reality delivered welcome doses of excitement, drama, terror, and humor. Whether tapping into universal hopes and fears, or incisively reflecting our current insane circumstances, they offered insight and escape, as well as thrills of a breathtakingly varied sort. No one knows if 2021 will bring us back to theaters or have us continuing to experience new works on our TVs, tablets and phones. Yet as evidenced by the numerous gems that arrived over the course of the past twelve months, cinema remains as vital as ever. While we can't celebrate them all, this year-long rundown has certainly tried to do justice to the finest that filmmakers had to offer. Dynamic, unique and altogether triumphant, these are our selections for the best movies of 2020. Read More
35 Secret Santa Gifts for Under $25
This'll be a weird year for Secret Santa for most of us. Instead of drawing names from a hat in the workroom, a virtual bot will choose Santas. Instead of a holiday party at a nice bar down the block, it'll be yet another Zoom, the three-thousandth of the year. And that gift will have to be dropped off or mailed to its recipient with an assurance that you bathed it in hand sanitizer. So yes, as the 2020 holiday season approaches, you might be facing a strange round of employer-sanctioned Secret Santa. Now, you have to find an intra-office present with a little personalization to prove you actually know and care about the person whose name you chose. It has to be fun and lighthearted, but cheap, because there's no way you're going to rob the bank for a gift exchange with coworkers. So browse these 35 gift ideas under $25 to take the stress out of the search, whether your giftee is your office wife or your boss. Follow our advice, and give confidently. Read More
55 Gifts Your Wife Will Truly, Actually Love
You want to get your wife something nice. Easier said than done, right? Her style is too good, and her interests too complex, for you to even begin to narrow down the overwhelming options. But when you are completely bereft of ideas, there's absolutely no shame in asking for a suggestion. And that's what we're here for: to lead you in the right direction so you choose the best possible present to give the most important woman in your life. Read on for the greatest gifts for your wife, from high-fashion picks that'll seriously impress her, to home decor she'd never splurge on herself, to tech she'll use every single day. You'll knock it out of the park—a top candidate for all-time best husband of the century. Read More
Check out the 6 essential, mobile-friendly, dumbbell workouts that you can take anywhere.
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