Friday, December 04, 2020

Biden’s Team Is Looking Strong—Save for These Two Guys

One economist weighs in on the president-elect's picks for economic advisers in his new administration.
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Joe Biden's Staffing Choices Are Looking Great, Except for Those Two Guys
Will President-elect Joe Biden's incoming administration prioritize the rights and welfare of workers? Will his team work to boost wages and end the paycheck-to-paycheck existence so many Americans are living, trapped in poverty or on the brink? Will they work to strengthen unions and the labor movement? Will they take on corporate power in a real way, particularly the corporate consolidation that leads to monopolization? One set of early indicators might be found in the slate of economic advisers the president-elect announced this week. The group is an extraordinary one in terms of background: like Biden's all-women communications staff, here again he has elevated women to positions of high authority. But what do these selections mean in terms of the actual policy that the Biden administration will pursue? For one perspective on that, Politics Editor Jack Holmes turned to economist Eileen Appelbaum, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, a progressive think tank in Washington. In short, it seems the early signs for workers and wages are good. But with the two BlackRock appointments, there's less room for enthusiasm with regard to taking on corporate power, even if Deese has earned some respect from the climate movement for his work on that front. Here's what she had to say. Read More
Levi's Jeans Are Up to 60% Off Right Now, If You Know Where to Look
While Levi's jeans start out pretty affordable, Amazon's sale offers you the opportunity to save even more. Prices vary by size, style, and wash (it's Amazon after all) but you could wind up with an absolutely banging pair of jeans for just under $30. So whether you want to stick to the brand's iconic 501s or opt for the skinny jeans you still insist on wearing, one thing's for sure: Right now, investing in a pair of pants that aren't made out of fleece isn't as preposterous as you'd think. Read More
The 15 Swankiest Pajamas Money Can Buy Right Now
There's never been a better time to embrace the transformative power of the elevated PJ set. Sick and tired of whiling the day away wearing the same old pair of ratty sweats? While the day away in pajamas so swanky no one would dare call you out for wearing them, no matter how formal the virtual occasion. To paraphrase one instantly iconic paean to the style: Sorry I'm in pajamas, but—in full disclosure—I just hopped off the PJ. Sometimes you have to do it to 'em. So this winter, take a page out of The Irishman book of dressing and cop yourself the PJs your weary body deserves. To help you get started, here are 15 of the best pairs of pajamas on the market today so you, too, can look like a paragon of gracefully-aging Hollywood royalty (even if you're not exactly living like one). Read More
50 Gifts That'll Give Any Dad the Holiday He Deserves
Dad has been giving you stuff since you were born. Hand-me-down baseball gloves, Band-Aids, second opinions, backseat driving instructions, marinade recipes, a bit of bad advice, and a lot more good advice. It's about time you hit him back with something almost as great. We're not saying a gift will even the proverbial balance, but it certainly won't hurt to give him something thoughtful—and cool for his birthday, the holidays, or any other special sorta day. So whether he's into outdoor gear, interesting whiskey, comfortable winter style, or making the most out of his high-tech home, here are 50 gift ideas to make his day. Read More
35 Gifts Under $25 For Any Secret Santa You Got Yourself Roped Into
This'll be a weird year for Secret Santa for most of us. Instead of drawing names from a hat in the workroom or at your normal gathering place, a virtual bot will choose Santas. Instead of a holiday party at a nice bar down the block, it'll be yet another Zoom, the three-thousandth of the year. And that gift will have to be dropped off or mailed to its recipient with an assurance that you bathed it in hand sanitizer. So yes, as the 2020 holiday season approaches, you might be facing a strange round of friend-group-or-employer-sanctioned Secret Santa. Now, you have to find a present with a little personalization to prove you actually know and care about the person whose name you chose. It has to be fun and lighthearted, but cheap, because there's no way you're going to rob the bank for a gift exchange with friends or coworkers. So browse these 35 gift ideas under $25 to take the stress out of the search, whether your giftee is your girlfriend's friend's boyfriend or your boss. Follow our advice, and give confidently. Read More
Ron DeSantis Is the Yammiest of the Vulgar Talking Yam's Lackeys
When the histories are written of this Era of the Two Plagues—COVID and Republican Trumpism—there will be many entries in their indexes for Ron DeSantis, the governor of Florida and probably the yammiest pol in thrall to the vulgar talking yam. The pandemic has been nightmarish in Florida. There have been over a million confirmed cases in the state, and almost 20,000 deaths. And now, thanks to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, we can see clearly the length and breadth of DeSantis's utter failure to keep the public health. Here's Charles P. Pierce on how, in perfect imitation of his idol in the White House, the Florida governor sidelined any real experts that he had on hand in Florida. Read More
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