Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Bill Barr’s Legacy Will Always Be This, and Only This

Twice, William Barr has been Attorney General of the United States. And twice he has proven to be a willing footman for political deceit and political corruption.
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Bill Barr's Resignation Letter Perfectly Reflects His Entire Career
Twice, we have seen William Pelham Barr ascend to the office of Attorney General of the United States. That is two times too many for one lifetime. Twice now, as of Monday evening, we have seen William Pelham Barr leave the office of Attorney General of the United States. In many ways, that's been worse. Not that it's not good that he's gone, it's just that his leaving always seems to bring with it a carload of questionable decisions. Barr has certainly served his purpose, which was to run interference for a president* and an administration* that most closely resembled Bonnie and 50 Clydes. He defanged the Mueller report in public. He is the reason that Michael Flynn is free to incite sedition from a podium, and not meatloaf in a prison lunchroom. And nothing quite became the job he did like the letter he wrote leaving it. It is written in what appears to be the closest thing this republic has for Courtier Speak. It is by turns insufferably self-important and cloyingly obsequious. Christamighty, even Machiavelli was against flattery of this truckling sort. Hamlet calls it "the candied tongue." Here's Charles P. Pierce on the departure of a man who walks behind giants with a shovel. Read More
The 15 Best Affordable Leather Jackets Money Can Buy
What you might need convincing of, though, is that there's an option out there for you. Because most leather jackets don't come cheap. On the contrary, in fact. They're called investment pieces for a reason, and that reason is simple: They're expensive. No two ways about it. But wait! Don't despair just yet. Because these days you don't need to deplete your savings to score a sweet leather number that'll pay dividends down the line. There is, in fact, an alternative. If you're jonesing to add a touch of leather to your fall rotation this year, we rounded up some of the best options available now—all for less than $800. And sure, that isn't exactly chump change, but pricing on a solid leather jacket can start well above that threshold and then only go up from there. Frankly, it makes a whole lot more sense to spring for an $800 dollar version that'll last you a lifetime than to fork over $250 every year or so because the last one you bought didn't hold up as well as you hoped. Read More
The 45 Best, Most Thoughtful Gifts to Get Your Girlfriend
Giving a gift to the woman you like or love (or want to eventually ask to be your wife—but no pressure) is a true test in reading the proverbial room. If you go too big, you might weigh down the relationship with unnecessary pressure. But go too small, and you're the doofus who she still hasn't decided if she'll forgive or not. The best solution? Ask for help. And help is what we have to offer. Here's how to strike the perfect balance with 45 thoughtful gifts your girlfriend will love, all of which are stylish and cool—just like her. Do your gift shopping now, before the holidays are upon you. And lastly, for the love of god, do not buy her a gift card. This is the diametric opposite of a thoughtful gift. Read More
The 40 Best Gifts for Men You Can Unearth on Amazon Before It's Too Late
Amazon, at times, can be a deluge of piping hot garbage. But there's good stuff to be found on the all-encompassing online store, too, amongst all the weird gadgets that don't work and knock-off style brands. And that good stuff can make a great gift for the guy in your life, whether he be a boyfriend, husband, father, or brother. Plus, it makes life easy for you. The holidays are almost upon us, and you don't want to be stepping foot in an actual store to rifle through shelves on December 24, especially in the year 2020. So to save you time (great) and money (even better), we dug up the best of the best on Amazon with these 40 gift ideas for men, all of which are eligible for free Prime shipping—or fast, non-Prime shipping before Christmas—and all of which are worth coveting. Read More
The 14 Best Board Games to Keep You From Running Up Your Screen Time This Winter
It has happened, folks. The outdoor, socially distanced evenings we clung to so hard throughout the fall have finally come to an end. As temperatures begin to dip lower than what one might consider heat lamp-suitable, we slowly drag our feet back indoors for the cold months. But inside, there are only so many hours a day you can stare at a screen. The Zoom game night has long been laid to rest. And no one wants to bake another loaf of sourdough. So as we descend into this round of cold quarantine months (what a joy!), it's important to arm ourselves with as many old-school board games as possible. They are as much fun as ever, and they'll help you pass many a long eve with whoever your bubble may consist of, whether it's a parent or your roommate's boyfriend. Our editors rounded up our favorites—throw them all into your cart and get ready for some long nights of good, clean fun. Read More
Burnt: 24 Hours Inside a California Wildfire
2020 included the worst wildfire season in California's recorded history. That means for the U.S. Forest Service's hotshot crews—firefighters tasked with battling the hottest and most remote parts of wildfires—it wasn't just the pandemic that made this a more difficult year than most. Robert Langellier is one of those hotshots, and here, he takes you inside a 24-hour period battling a blaze in northern California. It was his first season and seventh fire on his hotshot crew. At first, the team thought they were witnessing a typical blowout, when a fire crosses containment lines. Then the column collapsed. Read More
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