Monday, December 07, 2020

Trump & Co. Lied About the Vaccine—Again

Truly, I'm going to miss all the euphemisms for 'lying your hindquarters into next Tuesday.'
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It's Time to Buy Yourself a Present: Esquire Select
Treat yourself to Esquire's new(ish) membership: Esquire Select. You get an annual subscription to the magazine, unlimited access to all the award-winning content on—including Politics with Charles P. Pierce—members-only conference calls, exclusive access to special deals from Friends of Esquire, and more. Even better: It costs 11 cents a day. Buy yourself the gift of Esquire today! Read More
The Trump Administration* Screwed Up the Pandemic Response, Again. And Lied About It, Again.
Oh, look. They screwed up again. And they lied. Again. According to The Washington Post, "Instead of the delivery of 300 million or so doses of vaccine immediately after emergency-use approval and before the end of 2020 as the Trump administration had originally promised, current plans call for availability of around a tenth of that, or 35 to 40 million doses...As planning accelerated for distributing supplies, the government began to further lower expectations." Granted, this is a huge job. A huge job that has to be done with considerable speed. The crisis is pretty much unprecedented. But is there any indication that this administration* has been prepared for any of this? They screwed up the pandemic response, and then lied about it. Now, with the vaccine on the near horizon, they've clearly screwed up again, and they're clearly lying about it. Again. Esquire's Charles P. Pierce has more. Read More
The 45 Best Gifts for the Man Who Appreciates Real Luxury
Luxury is owning something that few other people do. It's being able to show off style and taste, and most importantly, exclusivity. And, unfortunately, having luxe tastes makes someone very annoying to shop for (especially come the holiday season). To make things less anxiety-inducing, we'll guide you through the upper echelons of the price spectrum. Whether your idea of luxury floats in the sub-$200 range or inflates itself into the many of thousands, these are 45 ultra-luxe, ultra-unique gift ideas for men that'll be big hits. They might even be drooled over. No one needs to know you asked for the assist. Read More
These 12 Winter Running Shoes Will Help You Brave the Elements in Style
You've come this far, right? Don't give up now. Do it for all the people who doubted you. Do it for all the people who scoffed at your resolve to keep it up as soon as the weather dipped below 50 degrees. And, most important, do it for yourself. Here's a few of our favorite winter running shoes to keep your training regimen on track throughout the rest of the season, haters be damned. Read More
The Best Books of 2020
Before this singularly unusual year barrels to an end, we all have one more hurdle to cross: an atypical holiday season. To stop the spread, many Americans will be celebrating the holidays alone or in smaller gatherings, meaning that for some, dread and loneliness are already creeping in. But rest assured, you're never alone in the company of a good book. That's where we come in, with this list of our favorite books of 2020. Whether you're looking to lose yourself in a novel that will transport you to another place or explore the multifaceted world of short stories, there's something here for you. Read More
The 45 Best, Most Thoughtful Gifts to Get Your Girlfriend—No Pressure
Giving a gift to the woman you like or love (or want to eventually ask to be your wife—but no pressure) is a true test in reading the proverbial room. If you go too big, you might weigh down the relationship with unnecessary pressure. But go too small, and you're the doofus who she still hasn't decided if she'll forgive or not. The best solution? Ask for help. And help is what we have to offer. Here's how to strike the perfect balance with 45 thoughtful gifts your girlfriend will love, all of which are stylish and cool—just like her. Read More
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