Saturday, December 22, 2018

A Few Last-Minute Gifts, Because You Definitely Forgot Someone.

Time hasn't run out...yet.
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60 Can't-Miss, Last-Minute Gifts for the Man in Your Life
Buying the perfect gift sounds like a lot of pressure. But it's all in the way you approach it. Look at who you're buying for. What are they always talking about? What are their hobbies? Connecting your present to something you already know they like is the easiest way to get them something you can be sure they'll enjoy. From clothes and accessories to booze and tech gear, here's what to get him. Read More
This Week's Biggest Sneaker Releases, and Where to Get Them
We're really surprised that no brands released any holiday-themed kicks this year, but we're also super glad about it. It means that as a creative community, sneaker designers have moved beyond banal inspirations and recognized that their consumer has more sophisticated expectations. The release schedule is more sparse than we're used to this week of the year, but that means you don't have to take time away from your family to grab the hottest kicks of the season. Read More
What to Wear to the Airport Right Now
Created for United
Looking fly before you fly. Read More
The 22 Best Gifts for Whiskey Lovers
The world of whiskey is ever-changing, with new celebrity labels, innovative blending techniques, and Game of Thrones-themed expressions cropping up left and right. But one thing remains the same: Whiskey drinkers like to talk about drinking whiskey all the time. For those who love whiskey, whether beginners or expert-level imbibers, here are 22 gifts that will give them something to talk about all season long. Read More
The 34 Best Tech Gifts for Everyone on Your Shopping List
No matter someone's interests or hobbies, a shiny, new gadget exists in the world that will help them experience life better. We rounded up 34 of the best tech gifts to make your shopping a little easier, whether you're hunting down a present for the holidays, a birthday, or just because. You may even want to hold on to some of these for yourself. Read More
34 Low-Key Gifts to Get a New(ish) Girlfriend
Giving gifts in a new relationship is a true test in reading the proverbial room. Going to big might put too much pressure on a new partner—but too small might come off like you're not invested at all. The best solution: Stick to something understated. You don't want to go too pricey or too flashy, but you still want to show that you're into her. Here's how to strike the perfect balance. Read More
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