Saturday, December 15, 2018

These Coats Will Elevate Your Entire Winter Look

The Trump administration's cruelty is not just deliberate. It is casual.
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The 15 Most Stylish Topcoats to Wear All Winter
A great topcoat is essential. Sure, it'll keep you warm. But it'll also elevate your entire winter look. The shape is a classic, and it's sophisticated enough to pull a whole outfit together—whether that's jeans and a hoodie or a full tailored suit. Get one in your outerwear rotation now, and wear it every time you want to impress. Here are 15 of the coolest ones to buy this season. Read More
The Tudor Black Bay Fifty-Eight Is the Watch I Hope to Give to My Kid One Day
I don't have a child—yet. But I want one. Ditto that for the Tudor Black Bay Fifty-Eight watch. Now, let's be clear: I am not equating the desire for a family with the desire for timepiece, no matter how exceptional that timepiece may be. I'm just saying that I'm in my mid-30s, married, and hoping for a kiddo one day in the not-too-distant future. And if everything works out as hoped, I'd be pretty damn happy to pass that watch on to the next generation when the time comes. Read More
11 of the Best Gifts to Buy for Your Significant Other
Created for Hugo Boss
A dozen things you're partner will actually want to use. Read More
The Best Books of 2018
We may live in challenging times, and there's no better escape than through a good book. From new novels from beloved writers to compelling non-fiction examinations of our modern world, 2018 has already delivered some excellent reads. Read More
15 Best Gift Experiences for Adventurous People
For some people, a nice sweater or a new bottle of cologne don't make sense as gifts. These people are adventurers, do-ers, with an ever-present itch to get out the house or learn a new skill that they can use in their real life. For them, choose a gift that broadens their horizons. Here are the 15 best gift experiences you can buy right now. Read More
The Best Jerky in the World Is Made from Deer—Not Beef
Wendell Kirkland is not your typical cookbook author. He's a lifelong wild game hunter, trapper, and fisherman, and the father of an Esquire staffer. He rocks a beard that would make Phil Robertson jealous. He also has a jerky recipe that will hands-down blow away anything you've ever tasted, and it's made from venison, not beef. Read More
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