Wednesday, December 12, 2018

J Balvin’s Moment Is Bigger Than Music

The song of the summer, fashion industry co-signs, and now, a Grammy nomination. What's next?
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J Balvin's Moment Is Bigger Than Music: 'We Are the New Hope of Our Country'
J Balvin knows what you think of when you think of Colombia. The country has an unpleasant past, one that's been re-upped and packaged in Hollywood gloss time and again, a painful reminder of a reputation that the country is still fighting to leave behind. But no one is more determined to help them do that than J Balvin. To Esquire's Nate Erickson, Balvin talked about his country, having the song of the summer, and what's next for him. He says, "We're moving the culture forward." Read More
Trump Just Made the United States the Literal Laughingstock of the World. Again.
The United States of America was the laughingstock of the world Tuesday, and it had nothing to do with the president's Oval Office Smackdown with Chuck and Nancy. Yes, while the World's Most Powerful Man was ruining his made-for-TV special with repeated self-owns, there was actually another reason for countries still somewhat moored to reality to cackle in our national face. The Trump administration dispatched an adviser—the inevitably named Wells Griffith—to a United Nations conference in Poland focused on combating the climate crisis, and he apparently had a mandate to use his appearance to extol the virtues of fossil fuels. Read More
5 Thoughtful Gifts for Your Parents
Created by Esquire for 23andMe
Because just showing up for the holidays isn't gonna cut it. Read More
Half Our Political System Has Chosen to Live in a Vortex of Spoon-Fed Paranoia
On Tuesday, Sundar Pichai had the misfortune of meeting the House Judiciary Committee, which, at the moment, still has the misfortune of having a Republican majority made up of some of the dimmer lights in the conservative holiday display. The hell of it all is that there are serious issues involving how Google does business—from privacy concerns, to the company's relationship with China, to Google/YouTube's ongoing problem with hate-speech videos and propaganda. But these very real concerns were drowned out by the paranoid nonsense pouring out of the committee's more conservative members. Read More
Christian Bale Says Trump Thought He Was Really Bruce Wayne When They Met
Because Donald Trump has spent his life pretending he's more important than he actually is, the man has surrounded himself by a lot of people who are actually talented and successful. So, plenty of celebrities have memories of that time they met Donald Trump. From Trump being a regular dick to the guy just being a f*cking idiot, few of these stories are pleasant (unless you're Kanye West). This one is the exception. Read More
Damnit, Ted Cruz's Beard Looks Tolerable Now
The thing about this beard is that it's endearing, man. It's salt, it's pepper, it's still a bit patchy, but good Lord, he's trying. And you can tell he's trying. And it beats the alternative so, so badly that suddenly, on this 12th day of December 2018, you've found yourself rooting for Ted Cruz. Almost. Maybe. Read More
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