Friday, December 14, 2018

Two Grotesque Immigration Stories Demonstrate Our Nation's Moral Decay

The Cleveland Cavaliers star is using his voice to push for mental health education.
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Two Grotesque Immigration Stories Demonstrate Our Nation's Moral Decay
Certain moments in this era serve as grotesque mile-markers on our national march towards a place beyond redemption. The white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville. The Definitely-Not-a-Muslim Ban. The revelation that some California college kids were victims of two mass shootings in the space of just over a year. But perhaps nothing compares to our treatment of children brought to our border by their parents. Read More
'We' Did Not Miss the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism. You Did.
Now that the full scope of this administration*'s political vandalism and base criminality is largely being copped to in broad daylight in various federal courthouses, a good chunk of the elite political press is moving into the Hoocoodanode? stage of political journalism. This is best exemplified by Thursday's New York Times podcast, the headline of which—"The Rise of Right-Wing Extremism, and How We Missed It"—got dragged like Hector's corpse all over the electric Twitter machine until someone at the Times sharpened up and changed the last half of it to "...and How Law Enforcement Ignored It," which is a little better, but not much. Read More
What Not to Do on a First Date
Created for Hugo Boss
Real women on their biggest turnoffs. Read More
Kanye West's Feud With Drake Just Took an Ugly Turn
As the year winds down and folks settle in for the holidays, the Drake and Kanye West feud remains hotter than ever. Kanye reignited the drama this week with a series of tweets, taking aim at Drake and everything that has happened in 2018. A story complete with secret children, backstabbing, alleged attacks at shows, sneakers, and betrayal—these tweets cap a year which saw two of hip-hop's biggest stars locked in a strange and bitter rivalry. Read More
How to Make a Coquito Cocktail
Coquito is like eggnog, but better. Served predominantly in Puerto Rico, where it originated, it is a rich, milky rum drink sweetened with curls of coconut cream. Pass it out to the fam in little glasses sprinkled over with fresh ground cinnamon during the holidays; it will quell the complaining of even the most crotchety old uncle. Read More
This Week's Biggest Sneaker Releases, and Where to Get Them
Depending on the holiday you celebrate, shopping days are either quickly waning or already behind us, so there's only one thing left to do: treat yourself! There are plenty of good options to pick up this weekend, including a crystalline pair of Puma Suedes that have just the right shimmer for the holidays. Read More
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