Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Everything in Pop Culture That Didn’t Die in 2018

The characters, franchises, dances, and songs pop culture is dragging into 2019.
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Everything That Didn't Die in 2018
As the legendary country singer and part-time gambler Kenny Rogers once said, "You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em." Unfortunately, 2018 didn't get the memo. From Jack on This Is Us to all those dead (but not really dead) Avengers, 2018 was a year of taking subjects, characters, and franchises that should have died, resurrecting them, and then wringing them out until they drip their very last drop of life. Read More
Our Favorite Esquire Stories From 2018
Here are 22 of our favorite stories published in Esquire this year, spanning more serious topics like failures of law enforcement, gun violence, and corruption at the highest levels of government, and lighter ones, like cruise ship entertainers, the Scripps National Spelling Bee, and Olive Garden's Meatball Pizza Bowl. As always, thanks for reading. Read More
5 Ways to Win Over Your Significant Other's Family
Created for Crown Royal
Classics that'll get the in-laws on your side. Read More
America's Fascination With the Western Genre Tells Us Who We Are—and Who We're Not
Throughout the 20th century, Louis defined the Western genre. At the time of his death, he'd published 89 novels, dozens of which have been adapted to film and television. And his own life and legend was as big as the stories he told—he fought in WWII, he boxed professionally, he sailed the world and joined the circus. His early adventures inspired the literary tale of the high seas in No Traveller Returns. And today, as Beau L'Amour continues his father's legacy, the Western remains stronger than ever. We caught up with Beau to discuss his father's legacy and the past, present, and future of Westerns. Read More
The Duffle Bag That You Can Take Everywhere
Caraa's newly launched duffle bags are everything you could want, need, or dream of in a duffle bag. The brand has been heavy on the women's end, and it started with a series of multipurpose and convertible backpacks for women. Caraa recently brought that multifunctional mindset to a duffle that's ideal for anyone in need of a very good bag. Here's why. Read More
Snoop Dogg Makes Mashed Potatoes with Mayo and Now You Will Too
Snoop's recipe for mashed potatoes incorporates heavy cream and mayo for a rich, buttery flavor. In the weeklong stretch before New Year's, when nothing much gets done and your brain is on energy-saver mode, a bowl full of creamy mashed potatoes is as low-key and filling as you need. So whip up a batch; set that conscious free. Doggfather knows best. Read More
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