Friday, December 21, 2018

Aquaman Is Pretty Great If You Ignore the CGI Hair and General Plot

An improvement on most DC movies!
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Aquaman Is Pretty Great If You Ignore the CGI Hair and General Plot
Here's the situation in which Aquaman finds itself: The film predominantly takes place underwater, which makes sense given it's a film about a sexy fish man (not The Shape of Water one). The thing is, human hair has a very specific look underwater. Unless you're filming all of these scenes with the actors underwater, you're not going to get the exact look of perfect Underwater Hair. Instead, director James Wan decided to go a different direction with the hair: He made it CGI. The hair is indicative of the film in general—something overwrought to the point of sensory inundation. Read More
Childish Gambino's Verse on 21 Savage's 'Monster' Explains Why He Wants to Retire From Music
Throughout 2018, Childish Gambino has been clear that his days in the music industry are winding down. This year, he's released a handful of songs, including the stunning video for "This Is America." Meanwhile, he's been vocal about retiring his music persona as he embarked on what he said would be his last tour as Childish Gambino. Now, as 2018 comes to a close, Gambino appears on his first and only feature of the year, with a verse that makes clear Gambino's disillusion with the industry. Read More
5 Thoughtful Gifts for Your Parents
Created by Esquire for 23andMe
Because just showing up for the holidays isn't gonna cut it. Read More
If the Latest Facebook Revelations Won't Get You to Delete It, What Will?
I get that it's hard to say goodbye to updates from your friend Kenny, and your weird aunt, and your parents, and everyone else we're locked into this hellscape with, but it's time to do something—anything—to start untangling yourself from Facebook, writes Dan Sinker. Turn off notifications. Delete Messenger from your phone (please, it's a nightmare). Cull your friends lists. Leave a platform or two. Read More
Let's Just Pause to Appreciate the Greatest Ever Quote About Trump's Conduct on the Tweet Machine
The entire profession of journalism has spent three years obsessed with the tweets, and how to cover the tweets, or whether to cover the tweets, or which tweets to cover. The entire Republican congressional caucus lies in paralyzing fear of the tweets and the prospect of personal attacks or debilitating political own goals. American allies must continually wonder whether King Lear will declare some new war via tweet, or dissolve their treaty in an early-morning episode while posted on the golden commode. Let's take a look back at when Trump dove into social media. Read More
22 Legitimately Cool Gifts to Get Your Boyfriend
If your guy's in need of an awesome, thoughtful present soon, we've got you covered. Maybe he's a stellar gift-giver and you want to get on his level. Maybe his last gift to you was a dud and you want to show him how it's done. But no matter if it's his birthday, a holiday, or just because, here are 20 great gift ideas for boyfriends. Read More
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