Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Best Albums of 2018

In an uncertain year, music highlights the drama and seismic shifts in culture.
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The Best Albums of 2018
The year in music was filled with powerful emerging voices, existential searches for identity, and personal and national tragedies. With celebrity deaths, rap feuds, an urgent concern for mental health, and seismic shifts at the highest reaches of pop, the world of music has been a dramatic one. The best albums of 2018 represent a time in flux within the industry, within culture, and beyond to our uncertain social-political climate. Read More
The 67 Coolest Sneakers of 2018
From chunky soles to personalized pairs, 2018 was an intense year for sneakers. White sneakers are appearing across every market, acting as canvases for amateur creatives to leave a personal touch on their kicks. Meanwhile, brands have also been focused on blending the past and the future; you'll find this list is populated with shoes that draw inspiration or elements from the '80s and '90s, but play with them in very contemporary ways. And while technology used to be about running away from the past, the sneakers in 2018 show us that we can use it as a launching pad. Read More
4 Ways to Gift Diamonds This Holiday Season
Created for Forevermark
None of which are an engagement ring. Read More
13 Great Movie Performances From 2018
One of our favorite things about the movies is watching actors perform, creating fully realized characters that are more than just lines of dialogue from a script. The following performances are some of our favorite of the year, the roles that found beauty, tension, and levity in films that transcend genre throughout 2018. Read More
26 Casual Outfit Ideas From the Most Stylish Celebrities on the Planet
Putting together a good outfit every day is...a lot of work. Having awesome casual style is a never-ending quest. The whole idea of looking put together but not like you tried too hard? It takes more effort than it looks like. But sometimes, all you need to do is to see a good outfit on someone else and make it your own. To help you on your quest, we rounded up some very good casual style from some of the most stylish celebrity dudes. Here's what you can learn from them. Read More
How to Make Champagne Punch
There isn't a gathering too dour that can't be put right with a champagne punch bowl. Bright with fresh fruit slices and muddled strawberries, bubbly from champagne and soda, and with a little oomph from some stronger spirits, it is as festive as a twinkling string of multi-colored lights and as classic as a Charles Dickens novel. Even when you're stressed from the holiday whirlwind, burned out from the news, and not much in the mood for celebrating, it's nearly impossible to frown with a cup of champagne punch. Read More
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