Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Year ‘Star Wars’ Fans Finally Ruined ‘Star Wars’

In 2018, a loud movement of racist, misogynist trolls derailed the beloved family sci-fi franchise.
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The Year Star Wars Fans Finally Ruined Star Wars
Star Wars, and a loud section of Star Wars fans, have tragically become synonymous with hate, bigotry, and pervasive assholeness in 2018. From various sinister online campaigns, to racist and misogynistic attacks on actors, to bafflingly stupid takes and interpretations of the film, The Last Jedi inspired the worst impulses of a far-right movement that's taking hold of the internet and extending its influence into the real world. And all this for a family movie, largely designed to sell toys to children. Read More
"Looking for Elvis": The Oral History of Saddam Hussein's Capture
In the first weeks of the Iraq war, the Pentagon assembled a pack of playing cards denoting Iraq's most wanted, the fifty-five figures in the Iraqi government and military deemed its most important targets. This is the story of the hunt for the Ace of Spades—the ruler of Iraq, Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti, known around the world simply as Saddam—told by those who caught him. Fifteen years ago this month, we found him. (And that's when our real challenges began.) Here, the harrowing story of Saddam Hussein's capture, as told by those who pulled it off. Read More
4 Ways to Gift Diamonds This Holiday Season
Created for Forevermark
None of which are an engagement ring. Read More
Anderson Cooper Dismantles Trump's Relentless Lies About the Michael Cohen Payoffs
One metric for how comically bad things are getting is when a serious, venerable newsman-type gets fed up. There are few more venerable or serious—apart from on New Year's Eve—than Anderson Cooper, who has kept a straight face for years as the Republicans who trundled into his studio slipped further and further into fact-free phantasmagoria. But this week of weeks proved too much for even stoic AC, who laid waste to Trump and his administration for their relentless lies. Read More
13 Sweater Styles to Round Out Any Guy's Rotation
If the worst thing about dressing in the summer is that you don't get to wear sweaters, then you can be quite sure that sweaters are the best thing about the winter. From work, to going out, to straight up not leaving the couch during a snowstorm on a Saturday, there's no situation a sweater can't get along just great in. The best part: There's a type of sweater for every situation. You've got your work-appropriate V-necks, your oversized crewnecks, your apres-ski printed pullovers. Your closet (and life) benefits from having a host of sweaters in it. They'll help keep your style on point—and your body warm—all winter. Here are the 13 styles that every man should know. Read More
The Human Race Really Outdid Itself with Porn Searches in 2018
Every year, Pornhub releases its "Year in Review" report, churning out statistics on America's kinks. And every year, we're confronted with data on what was tickling our sexual subconscious and how much time we dedicated to getting off. Folks, 2018 was a weird one. Read More
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