Thursday, November 08, 2018

American Gun Culture Is Not Freedom. It Is Tyranny.

A world where you cannot leave your house unarmed for constant fear of being shot is not a free world.
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American Gun Culture Is Not Freedom. It Is Tyranny.
On Wednesday night, 28-year-old man walked into a Thousand Oaks, California, bar hosting its usual weekly country music night and shot 12 people dead. Some people in the bar, it turns out, had survived the attack at a country music festival on the Las Vegas strip just over a year ago. In America, you can survive one mass shooting, only to find yourself the victim in another one because you chose the wrong bar on the wrong night to go dancing with your friends. If you're an American, you can be shot anywhere: at school, at the mall, at a concert, at the movie theater. To be an American is to know that when you venture outside, you have a better chance than the citizen of any other country in the developed world of being shot by a complete and total stranger with easy access to incredibly powerful weaponry. A world where everyone could be out to get you, and you can't leave your house unarmed, is not a free world. Read More
An Intimate, Behind-the-Scenes Look at Beto O'Rourke's Election Day
Amid a national media crush, we were at Beto O'Rourke's side in El Paso on Election Day to capture intimate moments between him, his wife, Amy, and their kids, Ulysses, Molly, and Henry—moments that seem increasingly precious as he becomes a national phenomenon for the Democrats. Read More
10 Tweets From Our New Acting Attorney General
On Wednesday, Donald Trump announced via tweet that beleaguered Attorney General and extremely lost Keebler Elf Jeff Sessions had resigned (though moments later we learned this was at Trump's request). Sessions's replacement would not be Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, as we might have assumed, but Sessions's chief of staff, an attorney and CNN legal commentator named Matthew G. Whitaker. He failed to delete a majority of his past, highly revealing tweets. Here are some of them. Read More
This Star Wars IX Theory About Snoke Connects to a Key Detail in the Prequel Trilogy
At this point, the future of Star Wars is uncertain. There's a lot riding on J.J. Abrams to create a satisfying conclusion to the Skywalker saga, and given the way fans react to anything Star Wars, not everyone is going to be happy. But if one popular theory ends up being true, fans who were angry about the abrupt death of Supreme Leader Snoke might get exactly what they wanted. Read More
Everyone Is Talking About Chris Pine's Dick, But Please Look at His Leather Jacket
Of all the Chrisses, Pine exudes cool more effortlessly than the rest. He put that on display Wednesday night in New York City during his Outlaw King press tour, which has been buzzing on the 'net the past few days, not because of his piercing blue eyes or acting performance, but because of his dick, which makes an appearance in the film. But forget about the dick and turn your attention to his very good leather jacket. Read More
Status Audio's CB-1 Just Might Be the Best Headphones Under $100
A good pair of headphones is hard to come by. Especially when you're talking over-ear, closed-back, studio-quality listening cans—you know, the stuff real audiophiles love—and comfortable enough to wear for any considerable length of time… all for under $100. But that's what makes Status Audio's CB-1 such a unicorn. Read More
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