Thursday, November 15, 2018

Trump Just Admitted, Unprompted, Why He Chose the New Acting AG

If you wait long enough, the president will tell you outright that he did the shady thing.
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Trump Just Blurted Out, Unprompted, That He Installed His Pet Attorney General Over the Russia Probe
No matter how clear something is, it helps to hear it from the horse's mouth. The President of the United States, who once said on national television he was considering "the Russia thing" when he fired FBI Director James Comey, was happy to oblige in a typically freewheeling interview with the Daily Caller. As first flagged by journalist Brian Beutler, Trump seized on a softball question to spill the beans on Whitaker's appointment. Read More
The Tangled Web of Stan Lee's Legacy
Stan Lee was undoubtedly a masterful storyteller. His talent in crafting modern mythology is what defined his career as he built a pop culture empire out of the stories he told on and off the page. When Lee died on Monday at the age of 95, the world reflected on the legacy he left behind. Though his impact on comics and pop culture was nothing less than seismic, his path to becoming a legendary figure was fraught with disputes over creator rights. In an age when we're finally having open conversations about abuse of power, how do we look back on a man known for championing inclusion, but who some built his career on the work of others? Read More
The #FiveWhiteGuys Are Offering a Sucker's Bet to Anti-Pelosi Democrats
Shoot enough sodium pentothal into Speaker Paul Ryan, the zombie-eyed granny starver from the state of Wisconsin, and he likely would tell you that he'd have been infinitely better off if every member of the Freedom Caucus had been dropped down a well. This analogy is being applied to the new, young, leftish members of the incoming majority. But they're not the real threat, as we shall see. The real threat was encapsulated on the electric Twitter machine with the hashtag, #FiveWhiteGuys. Read More
The 35 Best Subscription Box Services for Men
Nowadays it's pretty easy to get anything you want delivered right to your doorstep—but in most cases you still have to do the actual shopping and curating for yourself. That's where subscription boxes come in. For either a monthly or a per-delivery fee, you can now have someone else handle the curation, and all you have to do is sit back and get a box full of cool stuff every month. (Or, in some cases, whenever you want it.) Whether it's clothes, grooming supplies, coffee, or even booze, here are the 35 best subscription boxes to buy right now. Read More
How to Get Your Entire Thanksgiving Meal Delivered to Your Door
Cooking is hard. Planning an entire Thanksgiving dinner for the family is harder. Luckily, for every procrastinating American who didn't want to or pretty much forgot to put in the work required to prep, cook, and serve a full Thanksgiving spread, there's a mail order food service that steps up and does the work instead. Here are five options for getting Thursday's entire feast delivered to your front door, and four options if you just need the bird. Read More
Trump's Trade Wars Are Making Us Eat Less Chicken and More Bacon
Due to increased tariffs, less pork is going abroad, leaving more on the home front, where prices are being cut to accommodate the excess supply. And instead of letting all that meat languish in supermarket freezers and fast food fryers, we're ditching chicken to eat more and more bacon, pork chops, and beef. The Trump administration is really doing a number on our health. Read More
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