Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Every New State Where Weed Is Legal

Marijuana scored victories in four new states.
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Michigan Just Became the First State in the Midwest to Legalize Recreational Weed
In four states—Michigan, North Dakota, Utah, and Missouri—Americans voted on whether they wanted to continue the wave of progressive cannabis reform. Well, weed-loving folks, the news is positive. In Michigan, voters decided to support the full legalization of recreational marijuana use. In deeply conservative Utah, the votes went for legalizing medical marijuana, as they did in Missouri. Blaze up. Read More
There Is Now an Institution of the American Government That Isn't Controlled By—or Afraid of—Donald Trump
House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings. House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler. House Rules Chairman Jim McGovern. House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal. House Banking Committee Chairman Maxine Waters. Imagine you're a Republican member of this administration* with skeletons in your closet. Imagine you're a president* in this administration with skeletons in your closet. Now ask yourself whether or not this was a wave election. Read More
The President Declares the Victory He Was Always Going to Declare Regardless of the Election Results
No politician eagerly admits defeat. But this morning, though, it was the full-on Maytag spin cycle. Donald Trump stayed true to his formidable brand Tuesday night and into Wednesday morning, whirling at an increasingly frenetic pace as he tried to spin the returns to his liking. Read More
Here's the Full Text of Beto O'Rourke's Concession Speech
In El Paso Tuesday evening, Beto O'Rourke gave a masterclass in conceding with both grace and power. "So fucking proud of you guys," he said. So are we, Beto. So are we. Read More
It's the Midwest That Should Give Democrats Hope.
Wisconsin ousted Scott Walker from the governor's mansion. Illinois and Michigan replaced their Republican governors with Democrats. Kansas rejected the harsh conservatism of former governor Sam Brownback and his torchbearer, Kris Kobach, a prolific race-baiter and vote suppressor. In the aftermath of the 2016 election, it appeared the Upper Midwest was tilting towards Trumpism, a shift that would dramatically recast presidential elections and give Republican candidates an almost insurmountable advantage. Now the region is rejecting Trumpism. Read More
Steve King, Congress's Most Shameless Racist, Has Won Reelection in Iowa
Iowa Rep. Steve King's racism is a feature of his political life, not a bug. Over the course of this election year alone, he gave an interview to a publication that was literally founded by a Nazi, endorsed a candidate for Toronto mayor who's running on a platform of preventing "white genocide," and said that he wouldn't want Muslims working in his district's pork plants. His sole achievement as a legislator was the renaming of a post office 15 years ago. And on Tuesday, Iowans endorsed this behavior, voting to elect him for a ninth term. Read More
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