Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Why Were Those Wisconsin Teens Throwing Up a Nazi Salute at Prom?

There's something going on in this country, and it ain't good.
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Why the Hell Are These Wisconsin Kids Throwing Up a Nazi Salute at Prom?
It's hard to dispute anymore that the culture of cruelty, shamelessness, and provocation for its own sake that now dominates our political culture is trickling down to the kids. The trolls have broken out of your computer, and they're smirking through the halls of high schools across this country. Read More
'Keep Moving Forward, and If It's Time To Go, It's Time': Stan Lee's Most Inspiring Quotes
Stan Lee, the mastermind behind many of Marvel Comics' superheroes, died Monday at age 95, leaving behind a career that spans over five decades and hundreds of superheroes. Through these superheroes, he was able to inspire generations of fans. But Lee also motivated others in interviews over the years. Here's a look back at some of his most memorable quotes. Read More
This Extremely Dark Star Wars Theory Explains What Really Happened to Rey's Parents
Even though Kylo Ren clearly told Rey that her parents were just some long-dead drunks in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, many fans refuse to believe that's the truth. Since the movie was released nearly a year ago, they've come up with a number of theories that could explain the true identity of her parents. But one is darker than the others. Read More
PBR Is Fighting for Its Existence
Pabst Brewing, maker of shitty canned beer from hipster dreams, is fighting for its own survival. Some history: Pabst Blue Ribbon and some of Pabst's other legacy beers are not brewed by an intrepid troupe of bearded lumberjacks in the outskirts of Portland. PBR and the rest are in fact brewed, packaged, and shipped by MillerCoors, the second largest brewer in the United States. Pabst and MillerCoors struck a deal in 2001 that outlined the arrangement, giving MillerCoors (at that time just Miller) access to the young, cool kid demographic. The deal expires in 2020, with a window to negotiate an extension. With that renegotiation deadline approaching, tension between Pabst and MillerCoors is way up. Read More
This Beef Jerky Advent Calendar Is Proof That Christmas Miracles Are Real
When Hallmark Channel movies, religious leaders, and your grandmother talk about Christmas miracles, they are referring to the O Holy Cow Advent Calendar, which marks the first 25 days of December with chunks of beef jerky. Getting a day closer to Christmas means unfolding a little cardboard flap to reveal a new jerky flavor. There's no better way to celebrate the wintery month's passing. Read More
Single? Consider a Cross-Dimensional (Human-Hologram) Marriage
"For mother, it wasn't something to celebrate," said 35-year-old Akihiko Kondo of his wedding to a hologram. Despite his mother's disapproval (or, perhaps, in the face of it), Kondo married the love of his life, a computer-generated, perpetually 16-year-old singer with blue pigtails named Hatsune Miku, in a small but formal ceremony in Tokyo in November. But he's not the only one: Kondo says Gatebox, the artificial intelligence company that produces Miku, has issued over 3,700 marriage certificates for "cross-dimensional" marriages. Read More
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