Thursday, November 22, 2018

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Thanksgiving Leftover Manifesto

And yes, he has a recipe for a turkey cocktail.
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F. Scott Fitzgerald Had Some Ideas for What to Do With Thanksgiving Leftovers
F. Scott Fitzgerald encapsulates the essence of a sophisticate's America. His taste—in words, in houses and people, and in a good cocktail—has set the velvet standard for American culture. It's no surprise, then, that he should have extraordinary expectations for how to take his turkey. This year, follow his lead. Read More
Thanksgiving Is the Best Holiday. Here Are 30 Songs to Celebrate It.
Thanksgiving is at least in the top-three holidays (along with New Year's Eve and Halloween) based solely on how enjoyable they are in practice. And it's a damn shame there aren't more songs about it. Here are 24 songs to celebrate one of the greatest days of the year. Read More
17 Best Gift Ideas for Men You Can Find on Amazon
You are here because you value the good things in life, which do not include fussing around with buying a loved one a gift. You don't need loads of time or money to pick out a thoughtful, quality present that any guy would be lucky to get. You just need access to Amazon. Here are the 17 best gift ideas for men you can order on Amazon right now—most Prime eligible. Choose one, then get back to the good things. Read More
You Don't Have an Instant Pot Yet? It's Time to Change That.
You know the Instant Pot. Yes, it's the one you keep hearing about—the programmable pressure cooker that seems to boast more functions each time a new version pops up. Believe it or not, it has 10 different features now: pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, yogurt maker, cake baker, egg cooker, sauté-er, steamer, warmer, and yes, even a sterilizer. People love this thing, and for good reason. If you're finally ready to bring the Instant Pot into your home, there's no better time like the present to make that investment. Read More
The 11 Best Movies to See Over Thanksgiving Weekend
Thanksgiving is the official start to a season full of food, family, and booze. Sometimes, it's easy to get a little too much of all of those things. If you need an escape, the movies are a great place to go (unless, you know, you had too much to drink... sober up, then try the movies). The good news is that this year there's a little bit for everyone: boxing legacies and gay conversion therapy and British period films. Hollywood has everything, you guys! Below are seven of the best you can indulge in after the pumpkin pie is gone. Read More
20 Great Thanksgiving Movies to Watch With Family This Holiday
If you need a break from fighting about the midterms with your weird uncle or just need a reason to relax while you wait for the tryptophan to kick in and knock you out, consider one of these movies for a brighter (maybe more uproarious) spin on the American holiday. Read More
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