Friday, November 16, 2018

Photos of the California Wildfires Show Their Ferocity and Destruction

And the danger our planet is in.
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35 Photos of the California Wildfires Show Their Ferocity and Destruction
The images that have come rolling out of California in the last week depict the land of American paradise in a state of cataclysm. In the north, the blaze that's come to be known as the Camp Fire is now the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in the state's history. 63 people are confirmed dead. 631 are now missing. The fire has burned across 138,000 acres, and required the intervention of 5,600 firefighters and 23 helicopters to get it 35 percent contained. It has turned towns to ash and rubble, sometimes in the space of a few hours. Cars are reduced to hollowed-out twists of metal. Air quality across much of the state has also been severely affected. In the south, the Paradise Fire has killed two more, bringing the death toll to 65 since last week. There is little doubt that the destruction was significantly exacerbated by altered environmental conditions linked to our changing climate. Read More
There's a Tiny Detail in the Final Episode of The Haunting of Hill House That Changes That Happy Ending
All things considered, the ending of the The Haunting of Hill House was a pretty happy one! Or was it? Read More
Mumford & Sons Are Ready to Let You In On Their Very Private Struggles
Fans have long turned to the Mumfords for uplift, and while there remains no single artist better at a festival-sized, throat-ripping refrain anywhere in music—album-opener "42" and "Beloved" satisfy that craving, here—the lyrics on their upcoming fourth album Delta are darker and more contemplative than on past outings. "It's not a light lunch," Marcus Mumford told Esquire. "It's pretty heavy." He quips: "We call it a long, leisurely, boozy dinner. LLBD, for short." Marshall rattles off the headlines: "Birth, death, divorce." It's all here. Read More
Steve Carell Describes the Moment He Finally Met Kelly Clarkson 13 Years After The 40-Year-Old Virgin
Esquire cover star Steve Carell stopped by The Tonight Show before his hosting gig at Saturday Night Live this weekend, where he told the story of the first time he met Kelly Clarkson, 13 years after famously screaming her name in The 40-Year-Old Virgin. Read More
The 6 Stages of Growing Your Beard, And How to Groom During Them
The truth is, growing a beard requires upkeep. Maybe not to the degree of shaving, but if you want your beard to look good—and more importantly, to not be driven mad by itching—you're going to have to be an active, rather than a passive, participant. Cleaning it, conditioning it, taming it—this is all a part of the process. Read More
Mexico Isn't Thrilled That Elon Musk Wants to Make 'Teslaquila'
By definition, tequila can only be distilled in certain Mexican states and it must be at least 51 percent blue agave. It's strictly regulated. In other words, you can't go throwing around the word "tequila" and hoping no one notices. But that's what Musk did with Teslaquila, which very obviously sounds like "tequila," and Mexican tequila producers noticed. Read More
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