Monday, November 19, 2018

The Chickenpox Vaccine Is Safe. Avoiding It Is Not. These Are the Facts.

Not vaccinating your kids is still a thing, somehow.
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The Chickenpox Vaccine Is Safe. Avoiding It Is Not. There Is No Argument. These Are Facts.
Some kids in North Carolina didn't get vaccinated, so some kids in North Carolina got chickenpox. There is something quintessentially American about being able to get a "religious exemption" from something that exhaustive scientific study indicates will keep your child healthier. Apparently, the percentage of kids under two who go unvaccinated in this country has quadrupled since 2001, because yeah, your doctor says they're safe, but did you read that email with the subject "FW:FW:FW:FW:FW: vaccine DEATH??" Read More
A Small Town Six Years After a School Shooting
Brandon was in the hall at Chardon High School when he heard it. It sounded like construction, like a nail gun. That's when he glimpsed Jen Sprinzl, the principal's secretary, standing at the end of the hall, near the cafeteria. She would come to see that moment outside the cafeteria as the one that separated her life into a before and an after. Afterward, Jen often wanted to quit her job. But her husband would say, "Well, what're you gonna do?" and she knew she had to go back to work and return to her office, where the staff would come in weeping because Jen had always been the school's mama bear. That protective instinct was why she ran out into the hall in the first place, after she heard shots and kids running. It was why she turned the corner when she did, and came face-to-face with the gun. Read More
The Mysterious History of My Brilliant Friend, the Literary Phenomenon and HBO Series
HBO launches its newest books-to-TV-adaptation this Sunday night with the debut of My Brilliant Friend. Based on the ridiculously popular—both critically and commercially—Neapolitan novels by Elena Ferrante, the series transports viewers to a violent, underprivileged, low-rise neighborhood in postwar Naples. For those unfamiliar, here are a few things to know about the series, from the mysterious author to the background of the sweeping plot to HBO's plans for the future of the story. Read More
Watch Out Snowflakes, Tim Allen Is Enjoying Pissing Off Liberals on Last Man Standing
After getting canceled by ABC in 2017, Last Man Standing has returned for a seventh season on Fox, where it's seeing impressive ratings with whatever demographic stays home on a Friday night to watch a Tim Allen sitcom. Now, if you ask Allen himself about the success of the Fox show, he'll tell you that his perspective as a white, wealthy, conservative man is a bold and unique brand of comedy. Read More
Copy Eddie Redmayne's Smart Airport Style When You're Caught in Travel Hell This Thanksgiving
The Fantastic Beasts actor just wrapped up the press tour for the series' latest installment, The Crimes of Grindelwald, along with his fellow actors and bold af style stars. This weekend, hauling seemingly every single outfit from said tour in his staggering luggage collection, he touched down at LAX in an easy-to-emulate look you should definitely steal this week. Read More
Game of Thrones Just Released 8 Scotch Whiskies, and There Goes Our Winter
Winter is coming, but ever so damn slowly. HBO finally gave fans a premiere month for the new and final season of Game of Thrones—April—which leaves us with five months to twiddle our thumbs and wait. How better to pass the time than by drinking? Read More
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