Thursday, November 29, 2018

Terry Crews Is Fighting for the Young Man Within Him

"There's a whole lot of rebuilding that needs to happen."
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Please Do Not Disturb Terry Crews. He's on a Mission.
Terry Crews is a lot of things: an actor, a furniture designer, a flautist. He's also a sexual assault victim. Now, eight months after taking on his assaulter, he spoke with Esquire's Dave Holmes about how he's leveraging his profile, his money, and his reputation to take on the system in a way he says the average victim cannot. And he's relentless. Read More
Two of the Best Preppy Brands Out There Just Reworked an Iconic Sweater
Upstart label Rowing Blazers has teamed up with 116-year-old clothier J. Press to rework the latter's famous "Shaggy Dog" sweater—and the results are really damn cool. Read More
Robert Mueller Needs to Draw a Straight, Bright Line
I don't care what Robert Mueller's published conclusions ultimately are—Well, yes, I do, but never mind—as long as he gives me and the rest of the nation something approximating one straight line through the Great Grimpen Mire that is El Caudillo Del Mar-A-Lago's skeevy relations, his skeevy retainers, his skeevy business practices, and his skeevy undertakings with skeevy folks of many skeevy lands. I just want to be able to get from A to Z without disappearing entirely into a watery grave. Read More
The EPA, Now Run By an Ex-Coal Lobbyist, Just Tried to Undermine the Climate Report It Helped Author
13 agencies of the United States government partnered to produce a fourth National Climate Assessment this month, which—undoubtedly due to pressure from the top—was released on Black Friday in an attempt to bury it. But it did not stay buried. We all saw the conclusive finding: that humanity is presently overseeing its own destruction. All this seems like it might be a concern to the Environmental Protection Agency, which is nominally charged with Protecting the Environment. Not this EPA. Read More
Game of Thrones Fans Are Pissed About the Spoilers in These Season Eight Posters
Back in 2014, in the second episode of Game of Thrones Season Four, Joffrey Baratheon, the terrible boy king, finally died by poisoning after his brief and horrible time on the Iron Throne. That scene is one of a handful of big moments in Game of Thrones that is depicted in new promotional posters for Season Eight that are currently on display at New York City subway stops. And fans are not happy about it. Read More
Your Favorite Shitty Beer Just Got a New Lease on Life
Pabst Brewing was in danger of dying and taking America's beloved cans of PBR with it to the grave. But the danger has passed; after a contentious lawsuit and court case, PBR's future is safe. Read More
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