Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Only Boots You Need

Blundstone's 500 boots series are built to take on anything you throw at them. Bonus: They look cool, too.
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The Ridiculously Comfortable Boots You Can Wear In Any Weather
The Blundstone 500 series boots are, quite possibly, the only boots you need in your rotation this winter—and well into spring. They're easy to wear, damn-near impervious to the elements, and they'll work with just about everything in your wardrobe. Read More
Matthew McConaughey's Serenity Is So Insane That No Headline Can Begin to Do it Justice
Serenity is fucking crazy. I would say "spoiler alert" here, but the movie pretty much comes at you pre-spoiled: We open on a shot of a child's face, and then zoom way into his left eye, wherein lies a placid blue sea, a fishing boat called Serenity, and a sun-damaged Matthew McConaughey making zero sense. Right from the beginning, you know that Things Are Not What They Seem, all that remains to be determined is How and Whether You Will Care. Read More
Saying Goodbye to Ben Affleck's Batman, the Batman This Era Deserved
On Wednesday evening, Ben Affleck confirmed he is no longer playing Batman. The next Batman movie will focus on a younger Batman who is not Affleck. From the beginning, the role felt like nothing more than a mid-life crisis, like the movie star version of buying a Corvette just to feel alive again (or, perhaps, as Matt Damon suggested in an interview last year, as a way to impress his kid). He also never seemed particularly happy about the role. Remember the sad Ben Affleck meme? Read More
How IKEA Got Cööl: The Furniture Giant's Rise from Boring Basics to Hyped Homegoods
Esquire's Danielle Cohen is obsessed with a gloriously and deliberately ugly vase, which is part of a collaboration between Ikea and a Swedish artist. It is, Cohen writes, one in a string of jarring moves made by Ikea in recent years that have shocked anyone paying attention. They're proof that Ikea sneakily got cool. Here's how the company did it. Read More
Surely We Can Leave Some of This Magnificent Continent Untouched by Oil Derricks
The Trump administration is moving to allow oil and gas exploration near the Chaco Culture National Historical Park. We as a people must decide whether exploiting the natural wonders of the North American continent is always worth it to pump a little more energy out of the ground and put a little more money in somebody's pocket. We can always find more energy, but there are some things you can never get back. Surely we can leave some of this magnificent continent untouched by derricks or strip malls. Surely something is sacred beyond the almighty dollar. Read More
The First—and Most Important—Thing Every Guy Should Do When He Buys a New Coat
There is one persistent issue when it comes to men's overcoats, and considering how easy it is to remedy, it's time we band together and fix it once and for all. What is this fiendish problem? Guys aren't removing the "X"-shaped tacking stitch holding the vent together. Read More
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