Saturday, January 26, 2019

At Least We Got to See Trump Get Beat Like a Drum

The president* folds on his big, beautiful, stupid wall with a no-deal deal.
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At Least We Got to See Trump Get Beat Like a Drum
It's a deal, and it's no deal. In ordinary times, the agreement hashed out on Friday between congressional leaders and the folks at Camp Runamuck would look completely preposterous. A three-week continuing resolution, taking us into February, when the fiscal year ended back in October, and one that ends right about the time when half the executive branch will be testifying in front of one House committee or another as the spelunking into the depths of this administration's corruption begins in earnest? Read More
Why Decent Sneaker Releases Are Becoming Rarer and Rarer
Sneaker culture is inherently a niche culture that's seen an explosion in the last 4-5 years. It felt good to suddenly be at the center of the conversation, even if that conversation was consistently whining about "how things used to be." But like every expanding cultural bubble it eventually contracts again. For a while it's felt like the time for contraction is past due, but the drastic reduction in weekly releases in the last few months may be an indication that it is finally here. Read More
A New York City Penthouse Just Obliterated Real Estate Records by Selling for $238 Million
The penthouse is situated in a tower being built along the southern border of Central Park in midtown Manhattan. The New York Times reports that the unit combines two apartments for a total of 24,000 square feet. That boils down to nearly $10,000 per square foot. Before this sale, the most expensive home in the U.S. went for only $137 million; it was located in the East Hamptons. Read More
The Coolest Cold-Weather Looks From Sundance's Most Stylish Celebrities
The Sundance Film Festival kicked off this week, which means we are all blessed with the annual migration of pretty much every movie star (and movie-adjacent person) on the planet to Park City, Utah. And while the real stars of the show are the films being premiered, there's a lot to see on the street, too. Namely, a whole lot of cold-weather style on a whole lot of famous folks. Here are our favorite looks so far. Read More
Trump's Transgender Military Ban Was a Jarring Reminder About Our Safety
I was naive. I believed that President Obama's 2016 decision to allow transgender troops in the U.S. military would stand, so I spent my time worrying about other political firestorms. And then on Tuesday, the Supreme Court granted President Trump's request to block most transgender people from serving on active duty in the military. It came as a jarring reminder never to get comfortable in feeling safe as a trans person—and I began to realize, with a sense of growing dread, that this had all happened before, more than two decades ago, when another U.S. president instituted the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy. Read More
The Label on a Bottle of Angostura Bitters Is Annoying on Purpose
Besides its bright yellow cap, what really distinguishes a bottle of Angostura bitters is the label: It's too big. As legend goes, once Siegert's sons took over the business from their dad, they set out to market the bitters however they could, which included entering them in a competition. In a scramble to get their product ready for judging, one brother was assigned the task of retrieving bottles, while another went to print labels. By the time they realized the error, it was too late to correct. Read More
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